As per the Sri Lankan customs, Sri Lankan’s kneel before adults (such as parents, grand parents, teachers etc) to show their respect.
I have quoted some writings from JW literature,.
“In some parts of the world, it is the custom for young children to honor adults by kneeling respectfully when in their company. In this way, they do not stand taller than those who are older. In these communities, it is also viewed as an act of disrespect for a child to turn his or her back to an adult. Although respect is shown in different ways in various cultures, such displays of respect remind us of the Mosaic Law. This included the command: “Before gray hair you should rise up [in respect], and you must show consideration for the person of an old man.” (Lev. 19:32) Sadly, in many places it is no longer common to show honor to others. In fact, disrespect is the order of the day. God’s Word puts a high value on showing honor. It tells us to honor Jehovah and Jesus. (John 5:23) We are also commanded to show honor to family members and fellow believers as well as to some outside the congregation. (Rom. 12:10; Eph. 6:1, 2; 1 Pet. 2:17) What are some ways in which we show that we honor Jehovah? How do we show honor, or deep respect, to our Christian brothers and sisters? Let us consider these and some related questions.” (2008/10/15)
“Respect, Humility.Kneeling. The attitudes and postures of the Orientals in expressing respect for one another and especially when petitioning superiors were much the same as the attitudes assumed in prayer. We find examples of kneeling in supplication before others. This was not in worship of the person but in acknowledgment of that one’s position or office, with deep respect.—Mt 17:14; Mr 1:40; 10:17; 2Ki 1:13” (it-1 216)
However Sri Lankan Jehovah’s witnesses do not kneel before adults, they view that as a worship.
What do you think Christian view on kneeling before adults to show respect? And is it proper to Christian to kneeling before adults?