Jesus' teachings were spread about in ways not so orderly as the WTS told us.
Even so today it is not so orderly. I have talked to an illiterate preacher--he learned what he knew word of mouth and by looking at an old family copy of Fox's Book of Martyrs with all those lurid torture scenes. He had views of women that were pretty patriarchal and primitive.
I met an old woman who earned her traveling money to rural preaching invites by skinning and selling the hides of road-killed animals (this was 30 years back)who was as gentle and non-doctrinal as could be. And many others.
Lively interaction there. I would dread an institutionalizing of any of it. I am afraid of worshipping the bible because organized religion created its canon, edited and preserved it and to govern others' faith.
Claims of "supreme literacy" (epignosis for us ex-JWs) can be a weapon used against faith in many cases-- the WTS uses its literature to destroy our dependence on good sense and simple love of God and man.
It makes me question the ministry Jesus really had here on earth. I try not to be afraid of following where this leads. My mistrust of the bible is a mistrust of men --not Jesus.
For many this is nonsense, I know.