just say it, that is good! Interestingly, it seems that many people are not aware of the academic format used for citations. APA, MLA, and others are what most Universities go by today for their students to cite information. An example of the format is http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/01/ (I don't expect you to click this)
..... but part of their format is to tell what page you got something off of if it is a quote. I think that in open discussions like this if a corporation is ticked off because of copy and pasting for less than 50 words, it is because either they don't want their researched intelligence stolen, or (in the case of WT) they have something to hide. That is where I believe that WT has screwed the pooch in chasing anyone that quotes them, obviously, they want to control the damage, by not letting people read the information quoted, in other words, they have something to hide.
Remembering to provide citations is a good practice that we should be aware of. Sometimes, I just want to read more of the cited information and the citation assists me in doing that.
WT has never cited anything so you really have to dig to get the context information. Thanks to the internet search engines, they are now exposed.
But why is it that WT is so beligerent on policing someone quoting them, when they provide no citation for their cut up, taken out of context, article word skewing and mining? Oh, they are exposed again. All I have to say, when WTBTS starts showing citations for their "research" then they have a right to whine about the copywrite laws. Otherwise, shut it!