After living a life where individualism and almost everything else is wrong, you kinda go crazy with excitement when you finally can be yourself. I guess that's why i started to run crazy with ideas and had such a burning desire to change myself and to find myself and to figure out who i was and now who i should be. I wanted to be in stark contrast to the org. The struggle is still going on but I think that I have some more insight now.
I was thinking of growing dreadlocks, in fact i even started to. Why? Because i was opposed to everything JW and just wanted to be different. But that's just like trying to get back or take revenge on the organization and I'm so over that. I'm not going to let them dictate my life anymore. I wasn't even happy with it but i wanted to see those brthers and sisters cringe when they see me.
There's also this girl that I know who got df about 2 months ago. She has two young kids but is so focused on showing the org who's boss and being so opposed to it that she is bar hopping almost every night with this guy, taking up all these different classes and sad to say, she is neglecting her children.
What I've learnt is that sometimes we're so focused on hurting the organization and showing how opposed we are to it that it can damage us. And we'll still be allowing it to control our lives.
Move on.