Sibling Rivalry

by teenyuck 2 Replies latest jw friends

  • teenyuck

    Since my mother called this morning to tell me to watch Oprah, I decided to post a thread on what she and Dr. Phil are covering.

    Sibling Rivalry

    Does it exist? Why? Is it always bad? Do parents make unconscious choices on which child they care for more? Do the children pick up on it?

  • VioletAnai

    Yes it does, 'because it teaches you to compete in the real world' (toss toss), nah mostly it's fun and HELL YEAH parents give off the vibe, I was always wielding it over my lil bro that I was dad's fave....all I had to do was turn on the tears when he got home and WHALLOP!!!!! Jon'd get it.

    Ain't I awful

    Mad Cow signing off!

  • Princess

    Sibling rivalry starts with the birth of the sibling. My kids are three and five and fight like wild animals. By the end of the day I'm exhausted from playing referee.

    My brothers and I fought too. They truly were mean though and deserved the spankings they got when I told. They did stuff like put a pillow over my face so my parents couldn't hear me screaming and occasionally lifting it so I could breathe.

    It's part of growing up in a family. We are all great friends now and I know my kids will be too. It's just going to take about fifteen more years.


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