"He" this and "He" that

by Elsewhere 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • Elsewhere

    I keep noticing that people refer to their deity as a "He". Why is that? I have never had anyone demonstrate to me that his or her deity has a penis.

    "As every one knows, there are mistakes in the Bible" - The Watchtower, April 15, 1928, p. 126
    Believe in yourself, not mythology.
    <x ><

  • SYN

    No, Elsewhere, you are obviously wrong. Remember, in the Bible, God is quoted as being a "Man Of War", which is also the Portuguese name for a giant killer jellyfish that lives in the Indian Ocean, believe it or not. Yes, God is a mighty, MALE, person, even though it is impossible for him to possess Y chromosomes. Hell, even his son was a man, which of course proves that God must be a man too. Another reason why God must be man is because a man is the head of a woman, and since the head of a woman is a man, the head of a man must be a man too!


    It really is such an amazingly beautiful series of interlocking systems that comprise what a human is. It's too bad we're working backwards from the object code, everything would be simpler with the source and a comment or three thrown in.

  • VioletAnai

    Well if he was a female, he'd of rethought the whole 'Adam' creation thing and just started with Eve!!!!!!!!!

    And eva since MAN has been the main source of our problems while we 'passive' females sit back and cower at the injustice of it all!

    YOU ANIMALS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Mad Cow signing off!

  • expatbrit

    The Governing Body describe the annointed as Jehovah's heavenly wife. This is obviously true, since they've demonstrated over and over again that they have no balls whatsoever. Jehovah must therefore be the male in the relationship.

    Cue Joel for some witty remark....


  • Silverleaf

    Hi Elsewhere,

    I suppose in the minds of the men who invented the Judeo-Christian religions, it made little sense to pray to a female to smite your enemy in battle, and how could one expect a female diety to visit punishment on children for the sins of the parents?

    My personal opinion is that by creating a male diety, it served to undermine the natural power of the female as the carrier of life, something the males could not do.


  • gravedancer

    His name is Big Dick

  • Francois

    I saw a program on the learning channel not too long ago about archeology. The research being reported was done in the Levant. And guess what? Apparently, the pre-Abramic semites worshipped Jehovah alright, but Jehovah had a WIFE.

    Mention of this has been suppressed in Awake!, that font of scientific reporting. But there were plenty of those fecund female goddess figurines at the site, and statements in the stone records makeing remarks about Jehovah's wife. Har!

    In Wicca, of course, The All is a combination of both the male and female God-force. Therefore there are no problems with personal pronouns, nor any resentment about the sex of the Gods.

    Really, God is neither male nor female, right? These personal pronouns are an artifact of OUR language. They mean nothing when considering absolute reality, do they? We don't seem to notice the problems caused by our language (I mean, look at the French, where everything has a sex; men's neckties are feminine for instance) because it's so pervasive. Sort of like fish not noticing the water, for instance.



  • Elsewhere

    lol @ gravedancer

    Ok ok ok... you all have got me thinking... maybe the deity is really flesh! It is described as being a "jealous" god, and jealously is a fruitage of the flesh.

    Also, since, according to genesis, both men and women were created in its image, maybe it's a hermaphrodite.

    "As every one knows, there are mistakes in the Bible" - The Watchtower, April 15, 1928, p. 126
    Believe in yourself, not mythology.
    <x ><

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