I saw a program on the learning channel not too long ago about archeology. The research being reported was done in the Levant. And guess what? Apparently, the pre-Abramic semites worshipped Jehovah alright, but Jehovah had a WIFE.
Mention of this has been suppressed in Awake!, that font of scientific reporting. But there were plenty of those fecund female goddess figurines at the site, and statements in the stone records makeing remarks about Jehovah's wife. Har!
In Wicca, of course, The All is a combination of both the male and female God-force. Therefore there are no problems with personal pronouns, nor any resentment about the sex of the Gods.
Really, God is neither male nor female, right? These personal pronouns are an artifact of OUR language. They mean nothing when considering absolute reality, do they? We don't seem to notice the problems caused by our language (I mean, look at the French, where everything has a sex; men's neckties are feminine for instance) because it's so pervasive. Sort of like fish not noticing the water, for instance.