Making a life

by obfuscatetheobvious 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • obfuscatetheobvious

    Been consumed with this stuff for way too long! Has to be done but I also need to fill the social, hobby, community void that is left. So 1 month ago I joined a Australian Rules football team. In 2 hrs I get to run on the field for my first game! Wanted to play team sport for as long as I can remember but the training times and playing times always cut across my "spiritual" times. Been a steep learning curve but I'm having fun and hopfully this is just 1 step towards me making a life that is of my own.

    What have you guys done? What was your first step and what was it like? Any awkwardness? Funny anecdotes?

    Cheers, Ob

  • Heaven

    Obfuscate, this is awesome! Very happy for you. My first step was to move out of my parents home after graduating from high school and go to College. That was a long time ago. Am closer to retirement now than the beginning of my career. Many of my colleagues have retired and I'm dying to go but still need money. Arrggh!

  • DesirousOfChange

    Replacing the social network that you lose is critical.


  • jgnat

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