For a long time the congregation that I am in,it used to meet in the homes and no expenses were incurred for the plce of meeting.But,now they are convening in a rented place and congregation expenditure suddenly shoot up.Currently the monthly contribution is about $500 whereas the expenditure is $600.I wonder who is going to pay for the deficit.
by kokyong.soon3 3 Replies latest jw friends
kokoyong-It is difficult for homeowners to have meetings in their homes, I had one in my home for awhile and the wear on your house can be difficult to watch. Plus, you have to keep it super clean, which can be difficult to do when you are a working mother with a baby. No one offers to come over and help you clean like they do the Kingdom Hall. I'm not surprised that the congregation where you are is now renting a place, maybe the homeowners got tired of all the thankless work they were expected to do.
They will probably make the attendees feel guilty enough to contribute the shortfall in funds that is now occuring.
LoisLane looking for Superman
Hello Kokyong.Soon3, How are you today?
If the price is now $600.00 per month, with contributions of $500.00 per month...your Elders know this.
These Elders are said, by the Governing Body, to be appointed by Holy Spirit from New York. They obviously prayed to Jehovah God before making any decisions on where is this extra $100.00 coming from. So, it is not your problem.
If all the people that go to that Kingdom Hall would wake up, and realized they do not have to go to the Hall, nothing bad is going to happen to them, Armegeddon is not right around the corner, but what they should do is, further their education, also think about their plans for retirement and put any and all money going to Kingdon Hall Contributiions, back in their pocket.
Now, absolutely no worry where that extra money is coming from.
Just Lois
LoisLane looking for Superman
KokYong . Soon3...I wanted to know how your health was, so more that 5 months ago, I sent you a private message. Do you know how to retrieve it? At the top right hand corner of your screen, there is a small pale blue envelope. You click it, It will not give you your message yet. It is a security issue. You must then hit it again for it to open and read my message to you.
Just glad that you are feeling better.
Just Lois
PS...Are you fading from going to the Kingdom Hall or are you a full time Jehovah's Witness?