James 1:27 says that pure religion is to look after orphans and widows in their distress. And In Luke chapter 10 Jesus explains what we must do to inherit life, and he goes on and talks about the parable of the good Samaritan.
I believe that helping the poor and the needy is the way Jesus really wanted the Good News of the Kingdom to be preach. Even in Acts after Pentecost they sold off their belongings and gave to the poor. What better way to spread the gospel. When people receive help with out anything wanted in return are they not interested in why? And would they not be more open to hear the reason?
Since in my understanding now, the good news is being preach by all Christians religions and we are not to Judge one another because all that believe in Christ are gods adopted sons, then how can we give or help? I'm looking for ways or ideas of how one can help the poor and needy that may not be Christan's yet so in my efforts i can spread the good news whether it be through a reputable organization or individually. Ideas please.