The irony is that, in a sense, they WERE written for anointed ones. Its just that the Society wrongly attributes being anointed to just the 144,000.
The idea (actually worded in Rev) that these are all 'executed with the axe' makes the number 144,000 much more plausible, IMO. It is conceivable that since Christ's time on earth the number of Christians who have actually been executed for their faith could fall into the 144,000 region. The fact that the "four winds" are let loose after that number is reached shows that the number could indeed be exact. In other words, heaven determined that this number was needed, and after the number is reached, no further opportunities for executing Christians in such a way are allowed.
From the standpoint of who God would want in a heavenly government, it would make good sense to use those who gave, literally, everything.
From another standpoint, if this is a necessary qualification, it wipes out any link between ruling and partaking at the memorial, since no one could know their end.
It might also explain why only God would know 'the day and hour.' Only he would know who was fully faithful when they were executed. (But that knowledge might be shared with by Jesus, now that he has returned to heaven.
It is interesting how the Society handles this idea of being 'executed with the axe.' They feel that an 'anointed Christian' dies a sacrifical death, regardless of how they die, even if by old age or accident. Yet an 'other sheeper' (using their terminology), who lives by the same standards, their death has no such value.