Imagine a Christian father who has lost his job

by StephaneLaliberte 5 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • StephaneLaliberte

    In today’s watchtower, the society used the first Chapter of Nahum to explain why a father who lost his job would put his trust in Jehovah by going out in service midweek.

    Now, that chapter explains how Jehovah would protect his people against the Ninivites and that there was “one” who was prophesying about it in the mountain.

    How this story and the other actually match… I don’t know.

    Seems to me that Matt 6:33-34 is much better to throw that idea around, so why bring something unrelated such as Nahum??

  • PaintedToeNail

    Why bring in Nahum? IMHO it is because people are getting desensitized to the usual guilt inducing scriptures, so the WTBTS needs to think up a crazy story and apply obscure scriptures to try to get around the problem.

    It would be unthinkable that the father try to look for gainful employment during the week when most businesses are open, yes trust in Jehovah and all your bills will be paid, money will rain down from heaven and solve all your problems as long as you go out in service during the middle of the week when every householder is not home, because they are gainfully employed.

  • Mum

    It means that they are desperate for new converts, as there is little to no growth in numbers of new JW's. Desperation is very unattractive.

  • WTWizard

    I never saw anyone get anywhere pious-sneering. You lose your job, you stay poor and get poorer. Yet, you are still expected to donate, pay for your own gas and car wear and tear, suit dry cleanings and maintenance, field circus supplies, and a$$embly attendance. And I never saw joke-hova give anyone a nice, high income once they committed to pious-sneering. Just rubbish.

    The one example where someone regular pious-sneered after losing his job, they were already quite poor. They basically had dilapidated crap in their home, their car was a jalopy, they had a beat-up van that was in terrible condition, and they barely had any recreation. They had to sell crap at shows, traveling to a city some 800 km away one way for a couple of days, and they fixed TVs found in the rubbish (and did a pxxx poor job at that) and sold them. The wife, also a regular pious-sneer, had cleaning accounts. They struggled on few hours of sleep per night, and seemed to lack anything that resembled nice things. Is that the way you wish to live? Trust in joke-hova, and you are lucky to even have that--and in debt to thank that thing for it.

    How much better to rely on Satan for assistance. You do workings to try and program your soul to attract money, you try and get your chakras open and attracting money. Since many of the witlesses' chakras are in very bad condition, it takes many attempts and results are not assured. However, in the meantime, you are able to spend time looking for work and are not restricted to needing Tuesday evening (or Thursday) off, plus needing time for your Sunday boasting session and field circus. Besides, there is a better chance that, by repeating these workings, you will improve your situation. At least you will not be making it even worse than it already is by living with cheap and/or dilapidated crap.

  • LongHairGal


    Yes, a "Christian" father who lost his job could go out in service midweek, instead of putting his efforts into looking for work. But, if he has any brains, he will get moving on finding a job.

    Anybody foolish enough to heed the religion's ridiculous advice had better go ask the religion for money if they can't put food on their table.

    I'd like to know how that works out for them.

  • fakesmile

    i knew one. i point blank asked him why he was at my house trying to argue religion when his business was failing, well pretty much dead. he gave me this pious look and said "joegoober will provide". i lost my cool right there and told him he was a loser and not to come back because i dont surround myself with losers.

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