The source of greatest conflict in our world today rests in two separate beliefs whose friction is unbearably incendiary.
It is a matter of PRIORITY. Which is most important?
1. The HERE and NOW (life from cradle to grave).
2. The HEREAFTER (reward/punishment) after death.
Monotheism as the cause of the conflict. How and Why?
The Roman empire lasted almost two thousand years.
Rome had 2 factors which made it practically foolproof as a workable social construct.
1. Religious and Political plurality (it accepted any religion on its own terms and allowed local rulers to continue their rule.)
2. It moved swiftly to put an end to conflicts which threatened to disrupt the Peace (Pax Romana).
MONOTHEISTIC religions (Judaism and Christianity) threatened Pax Romana and were confronted for two treacherous faults.
1. Atheism (Rome considered DISbelief and intolerance of the religion of others the same as Atheism.)
2. Insistence on purity rituals even at the expense of social disruption, disapproval by the state and under threat of mortal punishments.
1. The first conflict between Rome and Judaism came in 63 B.C.E. Fundamentalist Jews obsessed with ritual purity opposed first the Greek modernization caused by Alexander's conquests and then the attempts to quell rebellions by the Romans. General Pompey entered the Holy of holies much to the utter horror of the zealot priests.
2. The second conflict between Rome and Judaism came almost 100 years later. By 66 C.E. fundamentalist Jews, (Zealots, Sicarii, etc.) were engaging in terrorism in a fanatical effort to toss "pagans" out of Palestine and surrounding territories--once again--to observe purity of religious observance. The Romans sent legions to destroy the ability of Jews to continue worship by razing the temple in Jerusalem.
Christianity began as a radicalization of Judaism when a messianic sect proclaiming Jesus as rightful/scripturally prescribed King began stirring up arguments and violent reactions among those concerned with religious purity: the Pharisees.
As far as Rome was concerned, Christianity was just one more trouble-making sect. Jesus was arrested, tried and executed for crimes against the state.
Followers of Jesus coalesced into a fanatical band of End of the World evangelists decrying society and Rome itself. The willingness to face torture and martyrdom marked the christians for completely disregarding the HERE and NOW in exchange for the HEREAFTER.
Roman Emperor Constantine used the power of his rulership to convoke a council in Nicea for the purpose of codifying christian belief into one system of beliefs. According to historian Eusebius, until that time bloody internal battles between congregations and differing opinions were tearing the fabric of christian communities apart. Differing opinions ON WHAT, you may ask! CORRECT PURITY of fundamental beliefs!
As was the Roman custom, Constantine sought to bring Pax (Peace) by agreement and ecumenical affirmations.
Despite any efforts by subsequent catholic councils (universal church authority) the sectarian battle for PURITY of doctrine continued.
Rome (the Western empire) had fallen into chaos by the 5th Century C.E. Barbarian incursions had gnawed at the frontiers of the state until
corruption and lack of solidarity brought about collapse. A new captial in Constantinople replace Rome as the official center of power until 1456 C.E.
Into this vacuum of power a new force arose to dominate the western world!
In 570 C.E. Muhammed was born and became a radical reformer of pagan Semites who were neither Jews nor Christians.
By in the year 622 that the message of Islam was explicitly defined as a return to the pure monotheism of Abraham, or the primordial monotheism (al-din al-?anif).
Muhammed succeeded in fusing warring Arab tribes into a mighty army hellbent on wiping out opposition to MONOTHEISM as codified by Muhammed's Koran. (A book he claimed to dictate through inspiration directly from Allah.) External enemies replaced internal squabbles. A war of purification ensued.
In a series of military expeditions whole societies were swallowed up as Islam spread to the West as far as Spain.
After the death of Muhammed, internal struggles for leadership (purity) split the religion into sectarian claimants and warring rivals. Eventually, the great wave of Muhammed's new religion subsided into static communities.
The "greatness" dimmed and the absolutists were marginalized. Moderate leaders helped birth a renaissance of SECULAR and SCIENTIFIC learning
and modernization among the ignorant and superstitious until...
fundamentalist zealots once again seized power and Islam was plunged back into the Dark Ages.
WHY? Obsession with pure doctrine and practice!
From the small sketch of history concerning MONOTHEIST religious movements we have discovered 3 important facts.
1. Black and White thinking leads to radical insistence on PURITY of core doctrines. Moderates are not tolerated. Opposers are demonized as the Enemy.
2. PURISTS dominate absolutists by identifying the purpose of life as WAR with Satan until reward in the HEREAFTER is achieved.
3. No criticism, questioning or disloyalty is allowed. Doubt is the worst crime imaginable. Loyalty is the highest virtue.
In the world today all major MONOTHEIST religions are at war with THEMSELVES!
1.In Israel, fundamentalists seek the fulfillment of PROMISES they claim God has made to THEM ALONE to the exclusion of all others.
2. In Christianity, fundamentalists proclaim Satan has polluted society and the world at large and only ARMAGEDDON will cleanse the planet and bring
about reward for THEMSELVES alone!
3.In Islam, fundamentalists seek to bring about Jihad against the West and the Jews to provoke the coming of the Hidden Imam (their Messianic version of the Advent of Christ). All who oppose the teachings of Muhammed are to be removed as obstacles. Demands that SHARIA law replace secular law further ignite conflict and reactionary incidents.
What is the nature of Monotheism that it leads to fanatics obsessed by PURITY of religion to the exclusion of all others???
Life in the Here and Now is totally unimportant to them. Life on earth is merely a stepping-stone to the NEXT life: reward!
Because daily life is unimportant as to the details of personal happiness, career, education, art, music, literature and recreations--the DISDAIN they experience for all others makes them OBJECTS of scorn and marginalizes their social skills.
Being a loyalist fanatic robs them of their JOY and satisfaction with everyday living. It forces them to see all the rest of us as
deluded dupes of Satan.
Eventually, we are all standing in the way of THEIR GOALS.
And then, the fun begins....
Here is the surprise ending: Fundamentalists are not just weird radicals who MISinterpret holy texts.
Fundamentalists are Purists who REALLY WANT TO ENFORCE the TRUE texts as written without watering them down!
The PROBLEM--per se---is the HOLY TEXTS themselves.
Modernization IS Satanic in the eyes of the Purist.
Secular education is SATANIC in the eyes of the Purist.
Social entanglements is SATANIC corruption in the eyes of the Purist.
THE HOLY TEXTS define it thus!
First Century christianity is a MYTH for evangelical christians because it never existed as a SOLIDARITY among the faithful.
It only existed as arguments, debates, discord, name-calling and finger-pointing.
Pure Judaism is a MYTH for orthodox Jews because there never was pure worship without sectarian factions with DIFFERENT interpretations.
True ISLAM is a MYTH for so-called Radical Jihadists today because historical Muhammed was a warrior with questionable morals who cannot be reconciled in a modern society's acceptance of equal rights for women and a brotherhood of men of faith.
Think of of the GAME called RUSSIAN ROULETTE.
There are 6 chambers in the pistol.
5 of the chambers are EMPTY.
Only 1 bullet is inserted into the chamber and the chamber is spun.
The pistol is pointed at your head.
The ONE chamber with the BULLET is the FUNDAMENTALIST who makes the "game" very dangerous for anyone to play.
That game is PURITY OF TEXT in a HOLY BOOK and it is pointed at your head.