Hi everyone. With the French Open and all I decided to look up Serena and found some photos of she and a number of boyfriends - some of them in poses not proper for witnesses. Just want to ask if she's still a witness. Or is her leash longer because she's a high profile witness?
Serena Williams
by speargrass55 7 Replies latest watchtower bible
I don't recall reading anywhere that she is baptized. I could be wrong though.
The mother, Oracene, is a baptized witness.
Venus and Serena were unbaptized publishers for awhile but never baptized. I don't think they are unbaptized publishers any more.
I read they talk about their religion and are open about their lives in a new documentary.
Theocratic Sedition
Ahhhhh the benefits of remaining unbaptized. Kinda like friends with benefits. When you're not baptized(and loaded), you can play organised sports, dress slutty, hang out with rap stars, and profess your love for Jehovah right after Crip walkin in front of millions of people on national TV. I'd love to be on the Service Committee in Serena's congregation. Can only imagine the calls made to the Branch because of the Williams Sister's activity. Shout out to Jah-Hizzy the only True God.
LOL@ Theocratic Sediton!!! I almost choked and spit out my juice!
LoisLane looking for Superman
The Williams girls are from Compton. I don't know if their mom goes to her local Compton KHall or not or where they live now. Anyone from Compton and area?
Most people who can, give to charities as a tax break. How does the Compton KHall look? Does it look like any Superstars have made generous donations for a beautiful center of worship?
If you were on the Compton, Calif Body of Elders, and the family gave generously (not saying they do) would you keep raking it in from them ? I would think they would happily accept and the girls and family do not get talked about, back stabbed, gossiped, slandered, or any other such thing, that is alive and well in most KHall's.
Just Lois
LoisLane looking for Superman
I just googled the Compton KHall. It looks like a possible double Hall, sharing with Spanish. Huge paved parking lot. The outside fits into the neighborhood.
Just Lois