It was horrible. My home's porch has a capacity of about 8-12 people depending on how the chairs are arranged. Seemed like every seat was filled. Nobody was familiar to me. They were dressed up - business suits and skirts. Comparatively speaking, I felt like I had on pajamas.
Finally, a male stated that it was time to start. I don't know how the hell he got to be in charge, but everyone pulled out electronic readers from their bags. I sat feeling the weight of my study Bible on my lap thinking about getting my Ipad but feeling like I shouldn't waste time. He prayed and two sentences in, he was speaking in another language. Opening my eyes to look around, I noticed that everyone had their eyes closed, but their lips all had this plastic grin on them. I decided I wouldn't let this quackery get to me. After the prayer, he reverted back to our native language (English) and suggested we read a passage from "our" Bibles. I thought I turned to the passage but then realized I must have not heard it correctly because my Bible said something totally different. I pulled my Bible close to my chest and intently listened to what he was saying. The passage sounded like Proverbs where sometimes the verses are disconnected. He stopped after a few random unrelated verses and asked if anyone had any questions. I had one but asking "wtf"probably would have disturbed my company.
He asked me what questions I had for them. I realized I was being set up. I asked him to read Isaiah 48:16 in his reader. He read something... but it wasn't Isaiah 48:16. I started feeling VERY uncomfortable. I asked him to compare Hebrews 1:8 then Psalm 102:25 knowing that they should have sounded similar. Again, nothing remotely familiar. A woman looked over her glasses and quietly asked, "Ma'am, do you need a reader?"
I have no memory of what happened after that.
This got me to thinking about how scary it would be if the WTS offered NWT readers that ONLY contained WTS publications. With an internet connection, the WTS could update the literature to say whatever they want it to say. JWs who owned this "convenient" device would of course have no problems with obtaining God's spritual food AHEAD of the KH delivery schedule for just $35 a month/device! This, of course, would not replace the expected literature donations for the message couldn't be spread on a device, right?
I'm watching the profits sour.
Lower production of WT Study magazines so a reduction in personnel/printing/mailing costs
Lower production of hardbound books so once again, a reduction in personnel/printing/mailing costs.
AND, a new income stream! They can make profits from:
the devices,
insurance (SURELY one would want to insure this magnificent electronic device for a mere $10/month)
monthly subscriptions
OH, and don't forget the accessories, you'll need cases, car chargers and extra wall chargers, won't you?
The smart shoppers will realize that next year, the color screen model will be available (re-purchase), then the following year a FASTER model will be available (re-purchase), then the following year the NEXT best thing.
Would they be this shady?