
by Kool Jo 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • Kool Jo
    Kool Jo

    I know this will never happen....but if the WTBS were to discontinue the practice of shunning, do you think their would be a mass exodus of those currently in the borg. Additionally, do you think some folks would still shun folks depiste it no longer being required by the borg?\


    Kool Jo

  • sarahsmile

    There always people who choose to set an example even though doctrines change. They thrive on hate and thinking they are better. It is in their actions and behaviors.

  • StAnn

    I agree with sarah. The only appeal of the WTS is to make little people feel they are elites, that they know things others don't know and that they're morally superior to others. Take shunning away and there won't be a mass exodus but I think there are many people who would at least snub those they don't feel are as elite as they are.

  • paladin

    The WT$ has a hate agenda it seems. The shunning will go on.

  • infernosdante

    there would still be shunning,my wifes friend wouldnt call because she said she was afraid i would answer the phone,no judicial action had been taken at that time,that would come 16months later,so yea there would still be shunning,remember "choose your associates wisely" would still give them an excuse to shun.

  • yousostupid

    I dont get it the DF is a bible teaching .........read

    (1 Corinthians 5:11-13)

    when people repent they can come back in ..........if this is wrong why do u make rules in your home ......curfews etc .......its a protection!!!

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    Not to the extent the wt practices it. Not to the extent that two people living in the same home are not supposed to speak to each other, and minor children are shunned at home at a time they really need their parents. Also, the bible lists about 5 things that warrant expulsion from the congregation, not the 40 things you can get disfellowshipped for as a Jw. For the record, I'm not dfd or da'd, but I do know the bible and I know what's listed in the elders' handbook as dfd offences.

    Also, the bible says nothing about the dfd one having to write letters to the elders and having to come to the hall a year before being considered for reinstating, but it does say the prodigal son was welcomed back instantly while he was 'yet far off.'

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