Still get visits from Jw's

by d 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • d

    I have not been in the Kingdom hall for 5 yrs. Yet I still get watchtowers and awake magazines and sometimes even get talks on recorded CDs in the mail.Does anybody else experience this?

  • Phizzy

    Not as bad, but despite being a DNC they called to invite me to the Memorial (fat chance), and a day or so ago someone skulked up to my front door and shoved an invite to the D.C through the letter box.

    Just before it went in with the garbage I took note of the dates, great for knowing you won't run in to Dubs in town during the days of the DC, and I noticed it asked me if I want to know the Truth.

    WTF ? the WT wouldn't recognise Truth if it snuck up and bit it on the arse.

  • yousostupid

    They give invites to everyone know just because u give up on Jehovah doesnt mean he gives up on you.

    read about manasseh please in the bible

    isnt it great that even before we were born he gave Jesus as a ransom for us - be greatful that he still cares THAT is why u receive those things.

  • *lost*

    I think it's nice someone is sparing the time to consider you

  • DesirousOfChange

    I think it's nice someone is sparing the time to consider you

    It's just an easy way to "count time". Better than knocking on doors.


  • punkofnice
    Does anybody else experience this?

    No. Mind you, they can't count placements and time with me so I can't contribute to their business targets to get into 'paradise earth(TM)'.

  • punkofnice
    Does anybody else experience this?

    No. Mind you, they can't count placements and time with me so I can't contribute to their business targets to get into 'paradise earth(TM)'.

  • Watkins

    There was an elderly couple who used to send me relevant articles with things underlined that I "might enjoy". He died 2 yrs ago. :( And she must've moved on from hoping I'd return to the kh. Aside from them, no jws care about me anymore, lol. YAH! It's a relief to NOT receive wt 'counsel' in the mail or wts stuck in the door - but I really do miss that couple - wonderful folks.

  • d

    An older couple that I know came by recently and dropped off some Cds of talks they had. We recieved 8 CDs and also the recent DVD Our Jehovah witness out of Darkness part 1.

  • d

    I saw some on Sunday but we just ignored them.

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