Government and the Bible...

by new hope and happiness 5 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • new hope and happiness
    new hope and happiness

    Government and the Bible...its kind of scary that some holding positions in the highest level of government believe the Bible to be ' the exact and literal word of God'

    This is actually a scary thought.It was bad enough the Governing Body believing they have God on their side, but its also the leaders of my country believing they have God on their side and theres no question in there arrogent minds about that....

  • sarahsmile

    I believe there are a lot of man made sayings inserted into books of the bible. Really I just know it is not all Gods inspired words. Some are written by old Hebrew men. The way they view women is a clue. Some of the songs and prayers are not from God. Maybe for God.

    Maybe someone should write a book with just Old Testament Gods words. And New Testament with Jesus sayings.

  • new hope and happiness
    new hope and happiness

    sarahsmile and always be right how can the bible be the " exact" word of god" i am not debating the miraculouse power of God, only the claim the bible is " the exact word of God".How do we get away from incest genesis story? well lets fill in the gaps ourself Adam and Eve had other children besides cain and Abel that arnt mentiond in the bible. Now you would hope the exact and literal word of God would be cleare and not open to assumptions and interpretations.

    Back to my origional point when The Governing Body and World Leaders make the claim that God speaks to them and that they trust the bible as Gods word and then we see there FAITH in action in the justification of wars in which God is on there side. I think this is kind of scary because what exactly is there justification for there beliefs based on?

    These people should frighten us not be admired by us. Think of the terrible persecutions and misery throghout history caused by these dangerouse and self- righteouse leaders. And i say when someone claims God is with them yea right the Prince of Peace is with you. Yea the Governing bodies Prince Of Peace has been any day now for the last 100 years waiting to wipe out billions of his beloved children. Yea right and too think i once belived that uggggg

  • new hope and happiness
    new hope and happiness

    Wow this post generated a lot of discussion...maybe i should have started a topic on my LSD days!!

  • new hope and happiness
    new hope and happiness

    Wow ...i started this post 8 months ago....i am still no wiser...

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    I strongly believe that the Free Exercise Clause of the First Amendment is an overriding principle in American law and politics. This country was settled, in large measure, by religious dissidents from the Church of England, facing a frontier to have religious freedom. On a personal level, I have little respect for fundies. My objection is more to the ignorant preaching machines, shades of the Witnesses, than to their actual belief. What bothers me far more is that our citizenry is ignorant of basic civics and current events. It shocks me that such people have the franchise.

    Even Republican Justices, such as Scalia, will defend the Free Exercise Clause. I specialized in the Establishment Clause and faith-based social welfare aagencies receiving federal and state funds. There is no clear cut jurisprudence. The present court has veered from separatist views to accomodationist views. George Bush was reviled for setting up a White House agency to encourage church groups to apply for funding. His born-again views were cited. Obama would certainly reverse Bush and kick the office out of the White House. Obama with hiss progressive Christianity is a stronger proponent of funding faith based groups. He increased funding and made the special Office more prominent.

    There is a no religious test in the Const'n. The answer is in the political process, not determining which religion is worthy. How do I know my religion will be found worthy? It is abundantly clear that if educational standards were higher in America, the Witnesses would have far fewer adherents. What concerns me about the Witnesss is their overreaching more than their doctrines.

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