The Drama at the DC was strange. It seems the dramas have been a bit lacking, and is there ever a drama about the New Testament? Oh, well.. Anyway, it seems like the WTBT$ has put it's own spin on Esther as well. While reading through it I noticed some things. Here are my questions:
1) WHY didn't Mordecai show respect to Haman? It wasn't really explained. The King commanded it, and it doesn't break YHWH's commands to show respect to a ruler.
2) Did Mordecai cause the problems by his actions? Remember when Abraham lied about Sarah being his wife, and caused all that trouble, when all he had to do in the first place was to say that Sarah was his wife? That's what I thought of. Mordecai could have just been respectful if none of God's laws were being broken.
3) There is also a verse that most JW's forget. I just argued with a family member about it. Here it is: Esther Chapter 4
" 12 And they proceeded to tell Mor′de·cai the words of Esther. 13 Then Mor′de·cai said to reply to Esther: "Do not imagine within your own soul that the king's household will escape any more than all the other Jews. 14 For if you are altogether silent at this time, relief and deliverance themselves will stand up for the Jews from another place; but as for you and your father's house, YOU people will perish. And who is there knowing whether it is for a time like this that you have attained to royal dignity?"
So Mordecai believed that Esther would perish if she did not defend herself. My point that was scoffed at, was that if Esther had remained silent, YHWH would still have saved the Jewish people. He had promised to do so. Just like he promised Abraham to make him a great people. So Esther did not need to do anything to save the Jews. YHWH was not going to let them be exterminated, even if Esther said nothing. Would Esther's silence have condemned her father's house? That was Mordecai's belief. I guess we will never know. My point to my family member was that Esther did not wait on Jehovah. Jehovah had promised to safeguard his people. So Esther did not have to do anything to save the Jews as verse 14 shows.
Your thoughts?