The older couple I talked in my last thread gave us another video called Walk by faith not sight.
I have seen it at their house it is okay not the best tell me what do you think about the movie?
by d 8 Replies latest jw friends
The older couple I talked in my last thread gave us another video called Walk by faith not sight.
I have seen it at their house it is okay not the best tell me what do you think about the movie?
I half-watched it once when it came out. It tugs at the heart-strings and impresses on the viewer how close the end is, so basically obey direction and don't return to 'the world' (Jerusalem) or you'll be trapped and zapped there when the Great Trib arrives. Nice production, though.
I wasn't horrible. It was a good try at depicting some of what " possibly " could have occured. The worst part was the people out in service with their scrolls in their scroll-bags.. Pretty dumb the way that was depicted. There are lots of subtleties. One guy, a doubter and materialistic one, actually shaves off his God-given beard to look Greek for his business!! They also show " Elder's meetings." LOL!!!!
I watched again on Yotube and yes the production is pretty good but from the looks of it. One can tell that it must be made by Jw's.Seeing Jw movies and videos growing up one can tell when a movie is made by Jehovah witness's becuase the acting is not all that good and situations are pretty strange.
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If that's the one about the Christians in Jerusalem and Pella, it is historically inaccurate:
Yeah, that's the one, Billy. My wife had that one on not that long ago. I was impressed at the higher production quality, but it seemed to me to be quite strange since it was based on events that are not recorded in the Bible at all. Which means the entire series of events is utterly fabricated.
I didn't really watch it from start to end, of course, so otherwise, I can't say much of anything. raises questions about what the WT is trying to say here. What if they ask all JWs to go to some specific location because 'the end is imminent'? I think I even asked my wife about that once, and she said she would go, of course. Scary...
From a historical standpoint yes it is not so accurate. But from a production standpoint they have gotten better and the quality is better.I was saying that they must be getting more money.