Math: 24:47 :"--He [Christ] will appoint him [ the F&DS] over ALL his belongings."
THE "ALL" like in the total, the Cosmos, leaving nothing unclaimed.
so who is this F&D Slave? as Jesus ASKED?
thats easy:
IT IS US --, the wt writers since 1919. "closely ascociated with the GB" how do we know? well, you can read it yourself, right here in the wt publications availible
But, we are a generous lot. When we get to heaven, (just when it gets really rough in the Geat Tribulation for all you "O ther S" out there), we will share the Jackpot with the +- 143 992 that are eagerly waiting for us in heaven since 1918.
These waiting immortal ones, like Paul, Mathew, Luke, Mark, Peter, John, James, could have thought that by writing the bible they were the Faithful, Discreet, Slave-ing providers of [spiritual] food. but:
Surprise: its not them: IT IS US! see above.
fresh light anyone?
are you not glad there is such a great life to live?