I was posting a reply on the Oregonlive forum to a JW who is convinced that he is a Christian (weren't we all?);
The DUCK parallel
Re: All evidence disagrees with your assertion (Jay Dub)
Date: Wed, 10 Apr 2002 02:55:57 GMT
From: Sunspot <unknown>
1. JWs do not celebrate the birth of Christ, (who is commonly referred to as our Savior.)
2. JWs do not celebrate Christ's resurrection, or experience the joy of that miracle. (He IS risen!)
3. JWs DO "celebrate" the DEATH of Christ every year, by passing the bread and wine to congregation members, which ALL but a very small percentage are taught to REFUSE.
BUT-------every JW firmly believes that he/she....IS.....A....CHRISTIAN!!!!!
So, examining the evidence above, If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck.......it MAY just be one of Jehovah's Witnesses insisting that they be recognized as a Christian.
(spiritual) food for thought set forth for "thinking" Jehovah's Witnesses.
I was thinking about point #3, and how I had seen a reference somewhere (here?) that Satan worshipers have a ritual on the same night as the "memorial", where bread and wine are passed and refused by the members.
I don't remember if any proof was cited and I can't find the thread. I've spent hours searching through Google, etc, and can't find what I'd need to be able to present it as fact.
I know it was the first time I'd ever heard it and meant to research it before now.
I'd really appreciate any help on this.