There is a lot of talk about Elders, but I don't seem to have seen anything about Deacons,they are mentioned in the NT.
Do JWs have deacons as instructed by Paul
by badboy 7 Replies latest jw friends
In a word, no.
From the bottom up, they have "publishers," "ministerial servants," and "elders" in each congregation, then "circuit overseers" and "district overseers" and "branch overseers" then the WTS HQ.
No funny hats, either. Underware is optional.
Yes. Ministerial Servants (Deacons, Diakonoi) are mentioned in the Bible along with the qualifications for Elders. The popular scriptures for Elders and MS are in Timorty and Titus.
Also, women are mentioned in these quaslifications. It stands to reason because in other scriptures, Paul stated that before God, there is no distinction between men and women, slave or freeman, Jew or Greek (Gentile). So, women were to be elders and servants as well ... and in other locations, some early Christian women are spoken of as such.
The problem with some organized religion, is they they get hung up on heriarchy, position, and office ... and then they read the subjection thing in Conrinthians ... and assume that women were not to have office or position.
The emphasis in the Bible for Elders and MS (Deacons) is not on appointment, office, and position; but rather, on service, and fulfilling functions with one's talents in the body of Christ as the Holy Spirit sees fit to use such people - regardless of their station in life.
The Jehovah's Witnesses religion is clearly in error in their religious structure and organization. They violate both the spirit and intent of Chrisdianity, but they violate the actual practice of early Christians.
Quote....So, women were to be elders and servants as well ... and in other locations, some early Christian women are spoken of as such.
This is a new one for me if this is true.
I have never read in the scriptures where women were appointed as elders or deacons....only propheteses, missionaries,etc.
In Timothy and Titus the male gender is used in all cases.
When disputes were handled it was the apostles....all men.....and THE CHURCH...which would include women....that would decide a matter.
However it was the Elders that would initiate the matter.
I don't mean to counter you Amazing on this, it's just that I have never known or read anything that would back-up what you said.
A little more on this would be intresting.
Women were to be SILENT with submission.
Women are just as smart as men (some way smarter), but it has always been the Men God has used in all aspects of leadership.
Amazing's points are worthy of repeating:
The problem with some organized religion, is they they get hung up on heriarchy, position, and office ... and then they read the subjection thing in Conrinthians ... and assume that women were not to have office or position.Perhaps I could add that the WTS has repeated a corporation structure within its congregations etc.The emphasis in the Bible for Elders and MS (Deacons) is not on appointment, office, and position; but rather, on service, and fulfilling functions with one's talents in the body of Christ as the Holy Spirit sees fit to use such people - regardless of their station in life.
With regard to the apostle Paul and his supposed bias against women, many Bible scholars believe the opposite is true i.e. he was a radical for his time who fully supported women.
Many Bible commentaries are worth a read on this.