Its not what you think but there is a 'Hello Hello' and even a 'Hello Hello Hello' thread that allows you to say a few words about yourself if you want.
Kind regards
by ISP 9 Replies latest jw friends
Its not what you think but there is a 'Hello Hello' and even a 'Hello Hello Hello' thread that allows you to say a few words about yourself if you want.
Kind regards
dont think its there anymore
I'm shocked at your uninventiveness!!!! Go there and start a new one. I started the first - blamed it on Red for about a couple of weeks. Was great fun - I pass the secret onto you.
Go forth and irritate - make Red infamous.
Also, you can go to the top of any page to "Search" click in and type in the word "Hello" and you will be right there.
Yes, Waiting, thanks to you I have garnered quite a following. A rather strange following, but a following nonetheless.
Well, hey there, Red sex woman!
Ha! Perhaps you and Nellie could "together" start a Hello thread in the sex forum? Would tongues wag or what............
Lord, I love the gutter.
well waiting I'm totally shocked, I'm surprised you'd even suggest that I should go to such a place where my pure and gentle spirit might be corrupted by the likes of ...Red n her mounting block.
I'm wounded that you could even suggest such a thing...(wipes tear from corner of eye)
nelly ;)
I'll go there with you if you want. Don't want you to be by yourself.
Nelly, we'll corrupt you yet, if you stick around.
Nelly, we'll corrupt you yet, if you stick around.
Oh My Gawd, you must be joking.......the stories I've heard!
lol TW