How do help JW friends and relatives to break free from
the stranglehold of cultish thinking?
Arguing about doctrine may trigger an automatic Witness mind
shutdown by labeling you an apostate. Most Witnesses are too
uneducated and schooled in uncritical thinking to evaluate
much evidence. Asking questions forces them to think - but often
needs to progress in 'baby steps' to allow long disused
reasoning powers to reawaken.
Beyond that, a better weapon may be exposing Watchtower DECLINE
and DOWNSIZING. While doctrine and clear reasoning may be alien
to most Witnesses, the decay of the organization may be much more
personal and familiar.
Contributions have declined
Publishers going down in Europe, Canada, Japan, Australia
Meeting attendance is going down
Bethel is downsizing
No more subscriptions
Fewer, cheaper books
No food offered at assemblies
Witness divorce
Witness suicides
Elders quitting
Sparse baptisms
and the roundhouse punch,
Witness kids are leaving the 'truth' everywhere in the developed world.
This stuff is often safe to talk about - and can open minds.
The Society fears the Doctrinal Implications of this erosion.
Why else did they create 70 hour pioneers and 15 minute publishers?
Ask: Why do the meetings have to be so boring?
Why can't they do something to retain young people like
other churches?
Why is Jehovah letting them run out of money?
Will things get better after certain old men die?
The evidence is growing all around them.
It's time to awaken them to it.