Hi Everyone,
I am the organizer of the Chandler AZ, Ex-Jehovah's Witnesses support group. I am moving the group from meetup.com to GroupSpaces.com. GroupSpaces.com provides a free service for groups like ours with fewer than 50 members. If you live in Chandler please feel free to join our group. Our sister group is the West Phoenix Ex-Jehovah's Witnesses. They are still on meetup.com.
Even if don't live in Chandler but plan on a visit our group meets the first Wednesday at 7pm. We would love to meet you! Our group is not associated with any faith or belief system. We merely provide support for folks finding their way out of the religion. We also organize the "Shun Run" public awareness around around the time of the memorial.
Chandler Ex-Jehovah's Witnesses: http://groupspaces.com/ChandlerEx-JehovahsWitnesses/
West Phoenix Ex-Jehovah's Witnesses: http://www.meetup.com/exjw-431/messages/archive/