Where is it?
I can't seem to find the ''search'' facility on the official Watchtower webshite.
Could someone point it out for me?
by ThomasCovenant 6 Replies latest watchtower bible
Where is it?
I can't seem to find the ''search'' facility on the official Watchtower webshite.
Could someone point it out for me?
Go into Online Library
Thanks. Not really highlighted as a web site search facility though is it.
How come when I search for ''Raymond Franz'' nothing shows up even though it does on the Watchtower 2010 cdrom?
Ah, I see. It only goes back to about 2000 I think.
Because they only want you to be able to see what they only want you to be able to see.
I thought you knew!
Just so you know, they don't have a Comments Section or Discussion Forum on jw.org either.
Hmmm, I wonder why not?
Actually, there is a SEARCH dialog box on the Online Library page: