Does anyone know what watchtower that quote comes from? I am penning a letter to someone and I can't find it anywhere?
Quote regarding the first century not questioning the letters fom paul
by sosoconfused 3 Replies latest watchtower bible
Can you be a bit more precise in your question? I don't know exactly what you are needing.
There was a quote in a ragazine that said "First century Christians accepted the letters of Paul without the need to check and make sure the info was from Jehovah" it was something along those lines. I cant reallllly remember at the moment LOL it was a shot in the sark I guess
Band on the Run
Oh, yes. This is why Paul is always super-sensitive, almost a braggart reciting his credentials to congregations he founded. They knew his credentials already. Other Christian missionaries from Jerusalem were appalled by Paul's teachings. Paul had to write to maiintain any of his teachings. You don't need external sources. Paul's genuine letters are full of the inner controversies.
This is why James and Peter entered the picture. To a Jewish Christian, Paul was heretical.
Long before the finding of Nag Hammadi, scholars knew for certain that other Christian groups opposed Paul. His letters were the reason. Well, read WT literature exclusively and no one will know anything in the Bible itself.