I was really bold and put one up on my Facebook page.
by Julia Orwell 8 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
I was really bold and put one up on my Facebook page.
It is one year old article.
Yes, I just realised that...we don't get this sort of news from abroad here, but it gives me the necessary proof to show people. They are reputable news agencies.
not the most recent news on this - that was June 2012 news coverage...
use the site search on here to get the latest, but the verdict has been appealed by WTS
I can't show something from this site to a JW because they'll shut down and go "APOSTATE! EVIL! DEMONIC! MENTALLY DISEASED!"
It will be good for us to go all out to get as much coverage as we can when the case is finally resolved, which is many months away.
I do not think the WT can win hands down, and get out of their responsibility, if they do then there is something wrong with U.S justice and the Court system.
At the moment the JDub mind will say "Well the WT must have good reason to appeal" and dismiss the thing, when it is all over they will have to face the facts.
Let us make sure then that as many people as possible, Public and Jdubs, hear the facts.
A jw who just replied to my link on Facebook proclaimed her true belief in wt, then went on to say that one of her 6 kids was interfered with by someone in the cong, the elders supported her and handled it, and she decided not to go to the police. Cited human imperfection and Satan's attacks on 'Jehovah's' people. Flipping heck, were that me, I'd have gone to the police and told them to pick up the pedo before my dad and brother hunted him down and pounded his skull in. Or maybe just forget the police and tell dad lol.
Good work, Julia! It's not old news to those who've never seen it, as your experience demonstrates.