Other church's policies

by joelbear 2 Replies latest jw friends

  • joelbear

    I think it would be interesting to know what other religon's policies are on handling accused or confessed pedophiles.

    Has anyone researched this?



  • JT

    when the child molestation first broke- there were some links that reflected the comments that many churches really had no firm policy on WE MUST TURN THE PERSON IN-

    some are like wt is now- state by state- which means if you live in the wrong state or wrong COUNTRY for that matter the poor little kid gets dogged

  • Hyghlandyr

    Good question Joelbear.

    Recently in ohio they passed a law that counselors must report any threats or appearance of future violence from those they are counseling. And at least for a number of years it has been required that clergy, counselors, doctors and so forth report alleged molestation.

    When my sisters were molested the elders told us not to go to the police. When my one sister finally did go they told me and the other sister that we could not go to the police since he was our brother (my dad) but that if the police came to us we were to answer any questions they had. So my sister, and her husband and I were VERY liberal with that statement and informed the police when they called us that we could not volunteer anything but ANY question, ANY question at all that they asked, we were free to answer. So the questions were very broad...good thing too.

    I would like to see national reporting laws myself. But you remember my post on that dude. And again if I seem a bit cynical on this point, well I've gone through it personally.

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