Sorta kinda? Do you think they'll ever have an "apostate" face on a wall for everyone to yell at for a few minutes during meeting?
So apostates = Emmanuel Goldstein?
by ilikecheese 6 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
They can put mine up there if they like, it already scares babies.
I think they have done a very good job so far of demonizing any who hold different opinions to the WT's ever changing ones, nearly all JW's, and even some who actually left years ago, are scared witless of "apostates" and their findings.
How do we conter this frighteningly efficient mind-control ?
Julia Orwell
Absolutely! It was other religions, and now it's Apostates.
Let the Hate begin, and I'll see you in Miniluv.
Julia, it is pretty hateful, isn't it? Hate seems to be the main thing they focus on! They've got a hate flavor du jour.
Phizzy, this stuff is actually screwing me over. Before, my boyfriend would listen to the occasional story I'd bring up about some terrible story of someone who left the faith. Now, increasingly, it's "well, they're just lying because they hate us." I have no idea how to counter it. I know, I know, I shouldn't be dating a JW. But he has such a cute butt...
Julia Orwell
Just keep working on him.
Yeah, except they've extended it to the Ten Minutes Hate, I believe. Though in harmony with Jehovah's loving arrangement, Hate Week has been shortened to the Three Days' Hate.
Exactly, "apostates" are the Watchtower Goldstein. They've invented an enemy because totalistic groups need an Enemy.