When it comes to waiting for health care, Canada is last in line...

by Adam Believed 2 Replies latest social current

  • Adam Believed
    Adam Believed

    "A major international survey says Canadians wait longer for health care" reports Macleans...They go on to say "For decades, wait times have been a consistent and much-lamented component of the Canadian health care system".

    "Earlier this month, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) released a major survey on international health care waiting lists and policies. Canada is at the bottom of the pack in almost every category".

    "Finally, and perhaps most depressing, we’re included in an unhappy group of counties that spend above the OECD per capita average on health care but nonetheless report significant wait times. We pay more but still underperform".


    It seems the Canadian health care system is great... so as long is you don't need it or you and your problems can wait!


  • zeb

    Its been stuffed up by an Aussie imported to improve things. He shut down 'native' clinics so the 'native' people then had to travel many miles to get a sick kids treated.

    He paid himself a huge bonus and has capped the numbers of nurses to be employed. Cant think of this modern judas name. any Canuks help here?

  • blondie

    We have good health insurance...but there is a "snake in every Eden" some say.

    We traveled listening to the radio through 4 provinces of Canada to get a feel of their world. There must have been a vote in store for health insurance issues. We listened to person after person talking about how long they had to wait to get cataract surgery. Some waiting over a year by which time their vision was totally clouded over. Not able to drive, watch tv, etc. It was scary since the US is thinking of a more comprehensive system. Evidently cataracts are not considered as life-threatening.

    I love Canada and Canadians and they have always been kind to us. Maybe it is my grampa's view, he likes them as an individual (black people) but disliked them as a group.

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