More lies and clever duplicitousness from

by Muddy Waters 7 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Muddy Waters
    Muddy Waters

    At, on their FAQ page, they try to respond to this question: "Do You Ban Certain Movies, Books, or Songs?"

    Their first word: "no".

    They then go on to briefly answer this question. Their final statement says: " Outside the family, however, no one is authorized to ban specific films, songs, or artists as being unacceptable for members of the congregation."

    Most clever how, in this last sentence, NO MENTION is made about BOOKS. (Thinking here of Ray Franz's books and others).

    But equally duplicit is the ludicrious comment about " no one outside the family is authorized" to do this!!!???!!!???

  • sd-7

    No, they don't specifically review movies, books, or songs. But they will put pictures of movies that may be similar to current popular entertainment (remember that Harry Potter-like photo years back?). For them to say that "no one is authorized to ban" stuff? Ah, but again, what's important here is what is NOT said. They may not say it's banned, but they will say 'A wise Christian does not entertain himself with films that depict violence, immorality, or spiritism.' The difference between that and banning it is very thin indeed.

    Also, this sort of ignores the whole Sparlock video, doesn't it? Clearly Caleb was shown, uh, oh wait, no scriptural principle at all to explain why his toy made Jehovah sad. Only that "magic is bad and that's why Jehovah hates it." But toys can't practice magic, they're inanimate objects. The toy wasn't actually magical, unless you consider the manufacture of plastic toys to be a form of magic, what with it being beyond your accepted use of technology if it's not serving 'Kingdom interests'.

    Again, it suggests that individual JWs are making their own decisions, completely autonomous of Watchtower influence or statements. It's a pattern that repeats itself often in Watchtower literature--they give you the rules and innuendos that form unstated rules, and then divorce themselves from any responsibility for it (publicly), while privately going into your bedroom and sorting through your stuff, both metaphorically and literally in some cases.


  • sir82

    Interestingly, they consider the Bethel community to be a "family". And they happily ban all sorts of music, movies, videos, video games, etc. there.

    Possession of the "wrong" kind of video, or "2 witnesses" seeing you going into an R-rated movie, is grounds for immediate "dishonorable discharge".

  • blondie

    Daniel - magic

    Moses - magic

  • Simon
    Outside the family, however, no one is authorized to ban specific films, songs, or artists as being unacceptable for members of the congregation

    And of course, they will put pressure on 'the family' to authorize and ban whatever suits them. If you don't you will be marked, warned about (after all, you're more dangerous than a child molester) and generally given a hard time for not following the rules that they say but don't document.

    Full conteol and no inconvenient paper-trail that those evil apostates can pin on them or use to make them look stupid.

  • Paralipomenon

    They don't ban certain movies, books and songs.

    They ban all movies, books and songs that don't meet their criteria.

  • wasblind

    All worldly books, movies and songs fall under Apostasy or Pornography


  • wasblind

    As you can see in the picture above, Satan arrives as the mailman. LOL

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