How Do you Solve A Problem Like Maria (or more importantly 1914)

by wizzstick 8 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • wizzstick

    So how will they solve it?

    Having researched the whole 607BCE thing, it's clear that it's utter nonsense. For example, the House of Egibi transaction records closes the door on any questions about the reign of kings of this time. At some point, given the information age that we live in, the WTS will have to capitulate. But how can they do it and keep the Org together?

    Here's my theory (dear WT Writing Commitee helpers - please feel free to use cos I reckon it's a good 'un):

    They drop 607 BCE and agree it was 586 BCE. The '70 years' then becomes like Tyre's 70 years and refers to 'the period of Babylonia’s greatest domination'

    The return is shifted to 538 BCE rather than 537 BCE, solving any controversies with what most historians think.

    So that means the 2,520 years guff (prophecy I mean), then runs to Oct 1913 CE.

    What - no good? Oh yes it is, for two brilliant reasons.

    Great Reason #1. As JW Facts and others highlight, WW1 was already chugging along nicely by Oct 1914, therefore Team Satan were a tad late for the party. By shifting to Oct 1913 CE, you then can neatly tie it in with the end of the Balkan Wars (last treaty was signed on 29 September 1913 ) which many historians site as the forerunner of WW1. Thus Team Satan role up in Oct 1913 and starting brewing up problems on Earth.

    Great Reason #2...if the WTS is thinking that the witnessing work ties in with Noah's 120 years preaching the that would be 1913 CE-2033 CE. So the 1,000 years reign of peace would neatly tie in to the 2,000th anniversary of the death of Christ.

    Good huh?

    Move over Franz, there's a new kid in town...

  • Laika

    I'd argue it's not really a problem. Not that many people have left from finding out Jerusalem didn't fall in 607, most JWs aren't even aware there's a controversy. They may as well leave it alone.

  • NeverKnew
    Not that many people have left from finding out Jerusalem didn't fall in 607,

    Respectfully, I don't know that this is true. As a non-jw, I've researched elements that contribute to awakenings and this one seems to be spoken of quite a bit. On the Meyers Briggs scale, I'd say it contributes to the awakening of the "Thinkers" moreso than the "Feelers" but ANYone's awakening has the potential for another's awakening.

    ... most JWs aren't even aware there's a controversy.

    Yup... but once they're made aware of it, research could potentially help them realize the inconsistencies of the WTS.

    Wizzstick, you're really good at tapping into their intentionally confusing logic. Better be careful; they'll be asking you to write for them. *giggling*

    In my limited exposure, it appears that they could just stop writing about 607 and 1914 for a period, then make a statement negating all previous statements with no acknowledgement of the former being a lie statement that was inaccurate. The great crowd can then rejoice in the "new LIEght."

  • Captain Obvious
    Captain Obvious

    NeverKnew, great points.

    First, you're right that discovering the 607 lie will only awaken the thinkers, not so much the feelers. This would be a great subject for another thread! Of the members of this board, thinkers vs. feelers , what woke them up. The 607 issue, combined with the fact that I had known NOTHING of the controversy over the matter, was what woke me up the hardest. After reading about it and letting it soak in, I grabbed my blood card out of my wallet, destroyed it and vowed never to go in FS again. When I showed all of the same information to my wife, she just shrugged and said, "So?"

    Unfortunately mos Dubs don't even understand how pivotal 607 is to their theology. They just snooze through the studies and answer the underlined bits into the microphone. Mind control at its best!

    A change this large in their theology would wake many people up, if they do understand. The society's supposed 'expectation' of the events of 1914 is the main reason they have any faith in these men at all. I know it was for me. Take that away, and the whole illusion crumbles. Some will shrug, pick up their service bags and continue. MANY will wake up. I don't believe they could survive a change that big at this point or anytime soon.

  • notsurewheretogo

    Or it's all nonsense...all of that black book...

  • Finkelstein

    I think they will just eventually drop 1914 and its past significance as a doctrine but maintain the designated

    importance of preaching of the gospel. (JWS style of course)

    I'm sure most die hard devout JWs would accept this, with little indignation and contentiousness.

    The stupidity in the 1914 date and its illogical calculation in itself shows the intellectual weakness of the WTS.

    and the people who did swallowed it hook line and sinker.

    But since that date came from a religious organization that espouses that it has been chosen by god himself

    and any outspken carefull analysis to vilify that date, could get you kicked out of the organization, JWS are

    prone to accept anything the WTS says or thinks.

    Fear and constant indoctrination goes a long way in subduing people's critical thinking skills and thats why religious

    cults leaders develop and imply this known human psychological ploy.


    The WBT$ never preached 1914..

    A small group of JW`s ran ahead of the organization..

    Disagree and we`ll DF you..

    Problem Solved..

    ...................... ...OUTLAW

  • Watkins

    Who the heck's Maria???

  • NewYork44M

    I love that song, now I will be singing it all night...

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