How many of you who had the responsiblities holding down posts at the District Convention lied to the little children and friends by saying "I am going to come back in next month for another District Assembly?" when they asked you "When are you going to be able to enjoy the lifesaving message Jehovah's Faithful Slave has provided for you?"
As Julia Orwell noticed at the District Convention there are brothers usually who do not pay attention to the program so tediously made by the Faithful Slave. I know the elders and servants are screwed because they are told they will be taking up a post and it's up to them to catch the program at another Convention. Most decent men do not put their family through a "Two District Convention Hardship (It's grounds for divorce in some JW households!) and don't feel like wasting two weeks of their life for the DC. So who were the others? The brothers who drifted from post to post like a tumbleweed blowing in the desert wind? Did they listen to the Convention or was it the "over-active bladder" or "hemorroids" excuse that allowed them to come and loudly speak in the hallways and tell jokes to their friends or talk on the phone? I know one brother who was calling his stock broker and real estate developer in the hallways for the whole three days making money at the Convention. Why don't we hear about those in the experiences?
how many of you actually drove long distance to attend two District Conventions making sure you received the vital, lifesaving message everyone else had to suffer through? I know my brother was one of those who never sat in his chair, he was always playing with his cellphone, texting, checking people out with is binoculars, gliding around various posts to post checking up on District Gossip so he could share this with my Aunt who would put all that gossip into play through the Circuit and District. I hate thinking about all the hardships the poor JW kids have to endure because we parents did not do our job and catch the fraud long before we did. I did want to attend the next district convention but it was so far and two DCs would have killed me. So, I guess I lied to all the friends and kids who asked me if I would be able to view the Drama and enjoy the Holy Spirit direction of the Assembly. I had good intentions, yes "The road to Hell is paved with Good Intentions" that saying applies to me, how about you?