So, I have stated here that I am in the midst of what has so far been a fairly painless "FADE". I have over time decided that I am still a person of faith and am on the move in search of a good, Christian, Grace focused church to go to.
While discussing this with my cousin Pete, (A lay minister with the Assemblies of God Church), he suggested that since I was involved with the wt that I should seriously consider offering up a prayer of renunciation. His point being that the wt is very much anti-Christ and steeped in many dark and occult teachings. He says that renouncing them as a Satanist would renounce Satan or a witc would renounce magic is in order.
Has anyone else heard of this before? I would also like to know if writing a letter od disassociation fromt he wt is also a good idea from a spiritualpoint of view.