Hypothetical question about level/depth of talks at DC this year?

by FadeToBlack 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • FadeToBlack

    For those of you who had to go this year and have been in for a while, how do you think someone from the 40's or even the 70's would react if they had to sit thru the 2013 DC? For me, it was like 'Land of the Stupid'. Everything seemed to be presented at about a 4th grade level (my apologies in advance to 4th graders who are more advanced than adult JW's). I'm not sayin the stuff back then made any more sense, but at least they seemed to address people at a 10th grade level back then.

    The symposium talks were the worst. 10 minutes, ask a question 3 bullet points with a demo. Review. Perhaps it just seemed worse to me because the Polish brothers and sisters were applauding wildly for everything, even a 20 second demo. To make matters worse, they just all seemed so earnest. I felt like we were in parallel universes.

  • SophieG

    Perhaps it just seemed worse to me because the Polish brothers and sisters were applauding wildly for everything, even a 20 second demo. To make matters worse, they just all seemed so earnest. I felt like we were in parallel universes.

    *ok...you just gave me a flashback to the 2006 INTL DC! I've never experienced anything like that in my life till I went there. Just as disturbing as the hysterical crying of the Polish JWs when the delegates were leaving the Sunday! Very surreal.*

  • EmptyInside

    Actually,it isn't just the conventions being dumbed down. It's all the other shallow 30 minute public talks,the Watchtower study and all the other new publications.

    I don't know why they need a simplified version of the Watchtower study,since the main article does a pretty good job of oversimplifying.

  • thinking_ability

    We haven't had our DC's yet but I think I do know what you mean. I'm only young so havent seen huge changes but I do feel they are appealing more to peoples emotion rather than logic.

    And the people who are functioning at a 10th grade level are probably dying out due to the internet and science so they are left with a 4th grade majority demographic.

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