DC quote: "most people in Christendom"

by under_believer 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • under_believer

    "Most people in Christendom know that Jesus died, but they don't connect the dots... That if we die, the resurrection hope is based on the Ransom."

    Well done, Captain Strawman. Anyone who accepts that has never had a conversation with even a moderately informed mainstream Christian.

  • Bob_NC

    Duh? Was that actually said from the platform at the DC? Christendom is all about the resurrection hope based on the Ransom. It is JWs who minimize the ransom and underplay Jesus' role in their eternal hopes.

  • under_believer

    Yep, absolutely was said from the platform in the closing talk by the Bethelite.

  • under_believer

    Yep, absolutely was said from the platform in the closing talk by the Bethelite.

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    It's amazing how much JWs 'know' about Christendom from their Wts and leaders. Until you leave and actually start talking to other Christian denominations: some of those people can run rings around JWs when it comes to scripture knowledge. And, you can hear straight from the horse's mouth what they believe, rather than hearing what some twat thinks they believe.

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