In the past there were horses here.
I could gently lay my head up against them and breath in the delicious unique fragrance that subtly drifts from a horse.
As the warm pleasant sent entered me it immediately calmed my nerves, stopped my mind, and carried me along into a sense of unmoving unity. There was no longer a me and a horse; there was just pure presence/life/being.
No words can explain.
Today, the horses are gone. But here next to me is a little doggy bichon that we rescued from the animal shelter. The very same magic is in her.
When I gently wrap my arms around her and softly lay my head on her, my mind stills, and instantly her sweet smell and presence takes me away from all cares into a silent warm forever.
Perhaps the key is to be still. Just breath. Let yourself embrace and fall into the inviting atmosphere of these precious being.