Just wondering if i will be considered "disassociated by actions" if it becomes known I have joined a political party? I seem to remember reading this but not sure what the current stance is. I have been faded for 7 years but my JW parents (with elder dad) live in town and we still associate with them, tensions arise every so often as I have made it clear I disagree with the religion and am never coming back.
Joining a political party
by stuckinlimbo 3 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Band on the Run
How would they know? They would have to check voter registration lists.I remember the anguish of two lives.
I was thinking of helping out, handing out leaflets, attending a function, etc, so might be seen by somebody...
Some locales have websites that list voters who have registered, name and DOB pops you up. It doesn't say if you voted or if you are part of a party.