I have said for many years that I believe JWs and BACs are twins and act the same way but many apostates and ex-jws and bacs have criticized me for saying this and insist born agains are not the same as JWs. Since I am this close to receiving my Masters in Psychology I see all the symptoms and signs of controlling religions. Here is a list of "twiness" from both groups. Both JWs and BACs believe they have the monopoly on the truth. Both JWs and BACs are concerned with money. You cannot go into any church without the collection plate being passed around. Both groups believe if you do not believe in their interpretation you are condemn to destruction or hell. Both JWs and BACs use one of their doctrines to weed out who in their group is dedicated the JWs use 1914 as a weed out unbelievers and BACs use the "trinity" doctrine. 99% of all BACs I have dealt with for over 20 years insist if you do not believe Jesus is Jehovah then you are going to hell. Both JWs and BACs both have given false prophecies. BACs really want to believe they have not given false dates but if you check church history they have been given false dates for the rapture and Jesus 2nd coming for 2000 years but they have the nerve to call JWs and Mormons false prophets. These are just a few twin traits but I can go on and on with the way both groups are twins. It hurts me when I hear apostates and ex-jws condemn the "evil" WT and think BACs are the land of milk and honey. BACs are just as neurotic and crazy as JWs. Both groups use to intimidate me before I got educated. Now I laugh at them when they start that foaming at the mouth and "you are going to hell" nonsense. You cannot give people power over you.
Jehovah's Witnesses and Born Again Christians are "twins".
by booker-t 4 Replies latest jw friends
booker-t I was a born-again, evangelical for 9 years after I left the Watchtower.
I agree 100% with your comments.
Cofty I am so glad you agree with me. You will not believe some of the remarks I have received from ex-jws and bacs when I say this. I am speaking from experience. I once went to a pentacostal church after I left the WT and the members were all running up and down the stage banging their heads on the floor. I could not believe what I was seeing. I tried to get up and leave but two church members stood at the door and would not let people leave. I told one guy at the door "If you do not let me get out of here I will call the police and have you arrested for kidnapping" he threw the door open. I never stepped foot in another church after that. Before that I was going to a Church of Christ for awhile after I left the WT and the pastor wanted to know how much money I made for the year and wanted each member to bring our tax statements to determine how much 10% for tithing from my paycheck. So I know all about born again churches and as I said earlier they are all crazy and neurotic just like JWs.
I want to a relatively laid back Scottish Baptist church. They took the bible literally but did not practice charismatic forms of worship.
The problem is that there is a package deal in terms of what you must believe. Intellectual freedom does not exist in reality.
In this regard they are a cult just like the Watchtower or the Mormons.
It kind of like Fatal Attraction.