If you still have it somewhere, please email it to me.
If not, why was it removed?
It was a vital page for women yahoo chatters.
Please consider putting it back up.
Thank you, sKally
by sf 6 Replies latest jw friends
If you still have it somewhere, please email it to me.
If not, why was it removed?
It was a vital page for women yahoo chatters.
Please consider putting it back up.
Thank you, sKally
I had to take it down temporarily... so as to make room for the
shitloads of Watchtowerkult Death & Destruction Illustrations
I've been finding, and folks have been sending me...
to hand in the "Gallery"...
until I can rent more megabytes of web space...
I'm sorry.
I'm just giving the WONDERFUL Watchtower "Art" priority, at the moment.
LOve, Tallyman
try the watchtower quotes page ...it's all there excpte for the 1998 which nobody for some reason ever includes.
Okay, thanks peeps.
Tom, it's a highly viewed page I have linked up on my profile...please try to get it up. (absolutely no pun intended)
I understand your priorities, yet you must understand mine. And that that specific page is something I need on my profile.
Sincerely and respectfully, sKally
If he wants to give me the page, I can put it up on my geocities space, I am not using that space anyhow. You could also turls. If tally doesnt mind. Just email me yall have my digits
Thanks Hygh.
What about it Tom? We really need that page back up for yahoo female chatters and family members of them. It was so on target.
Sincerely, sKally
The page already had it's own URL. Why was it necessary to move it to make space?
Please make it available again. There's no one who breaks It down like "you". Please.