Post JW Children??

by Perry 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • Perry

    Ok, since we were all discouraged from having children in the WT world; I was wondering how many have reconsidered raising children for the sheer joy of parenthood and passing on their heritage. Even if not practical right now, how many would like to?

  • ballistic

    Perry, are you male or female?

  • Perry

    Very Male.....Why do you ask?

  • ballistic

    Sorry Perry, you were asking about children and I was going to offer my services, I see it was all a terrible mix up now!

  • Perry

    All bullshit aside, the Wt controlled every aspect of our lives....even child bearing. My honest question is how many here consider having children a fulfilling goal without the yoke of the WT.

    Without sounding politiclly incorrect....please state your ethnicity along with your answer.

    The results might be interesting to our common brotherhood.

  • elbobbo

    A couple months after I stopped going my wife was pregnant if that gives you any idea how I feel.

  • Princess

    We were already on our way out when we decided to have children. We quit completely after our son was born, then 21 months later, we had a girl.

    There were two other women in the hall who were pregnant at the same time as me. Both are still dubs and both had more kids. I don't think everyone was as affected by the idea of not having children in this wicked world. Seems like there was always someone pregnant.

    We definitely did not want our children raised anywhere near the dubs. They only know that when great grandpa died last September, we wouldn't let them go to the "bad church" with us for his memorial.


  • elbobbo

    I know what you mean about not wanting your children to grow up around JW's. When my wife got pregnant I wasn't going to the meetings anymore but it was only because I didn't want to be around the assholes in my old congregation (NW Evansville, IN) but still believed most of the doctrines. I thought I should look into the beliefs of the JW's so I could make sure they were right before I taught my son the same things. I quickly found out what a load of crap it all is because of that.

  • Perry

    Interesting comments everyone ...thank you

    Seems many stop natural processes that enrich and bring a greater measure of love into the home for the WT.

  • flower

    I LOVE being a mommy!

    I love being a single mom (well sometimes its hard as hell).

    I love hearing 'I love you mommy' before I turn off the lights for bed.

    I love seeing everything I missed in the world through the eyes of a 2 year old. The clouds that look like bubbles, the cookie moon, the natural beauty all around us that we old folks take for granted..

    I love watching him play cars and pretend and cowboys.

    I luuuuuuuuuv being a mommy!

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