You can only move up to being an elder without being an ass kisser pretty much, but it helps and one can make it there faster perhaps with a little ass kissing. I don't think one could rise much higher unless resorting to it and if you get lucky you can kiss the right asses all the way to the top. Of course being too much of an ass kisser and you just get used but will not rise very high, there has to be a just the right balance and one has to choose carefully so I'm sure all eight current members can vouch for this to be true even with their memory problems and getting fact straight.
How Many A$$e$ Does One Have To Kiss To Become A Governing Body Member?
by frankiespeakin 7 Replies latest jw friends
It's not how many but kissing the right asses.
It's not what you know, it's not even who you know ... it's what you know about who you know
im guessing an even number.
edit... exempting the halfa$$e$
Eight leathery old asses.
I would think if one is aspirering for the highest position in La La Land, one would start by giving the CO a good ass kissing then move on to the DO, and climb the ladder, or one could apply for Bethel service, once accepted practice puckering up, I'm sure there were a lot of hopeful ass kissers that never made it to the top there and only made it to the writting dept. seems like most GB hopefulls got to do a stint in the service department so along with good ass kissing skills one also must learn to wield the sceptor of authority and be able to disfellowship without remorse or compassions if the corporations interest are ever threatened. So it is important that one play their cards right they should keep their smochings well placed on the right asses, seems like those in the Service Dept. are where one would start, and hopefully move on from there.
Money helps............tastefully applied
I agree in a talk given by Anthony Morris the 3rd he says that he came from a wealthy family and that his father was concerned about giving some money to the WT corporation and he told his father that he was the Society/Corporation. So appearently that may have been one of AM3 ways of gaining a position?