WT major shareholder in military tech company! (Links)

by Comatose 4 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Comatose

    A friend uncovered this doing research on his own. I have never heard of it before and I suspect its not known. Seems legit and like a bombshell.


    Look at Page 26 and see who is the majority shareholder of Reg Technologies and it subsidiaries. Now look at Reg Tech and their companies and technologies. http://topics.nytimes.com/top/news/business/companies/reg-technologies-inc/index.html Now see what Reg Techs website does with the Military. This is just one of many articles on their website. They have received many US Military contracts from the Navy, DOD, Air Force on their press releases before and after the Watchtower was listed as the majority shareholder. http://www.regtech.com/Radmax_Technology/Military_Application/ This company makes the engines for UAV (unmanned autonomous vehicles) aka "Drones". What do you hear all over the press about drones killing people in Pakistan, Iraq, Afghanistan and other countries. The company profile even says that is their "initial focus". http://www.regiinc.com/Corporate_Info/ So even on the SEC filing with the Watchtower it lists on the filing that Reg Tech owns companies and technologies with military applications and has military contracts. It was gifted to the Watchtower Society and they accepted it. No other SEC form has been filed transferring the stock to someone else, which is a legal requirement. So they still are the majority shareholders. Regardless they accepted it and profited knowing the companies main contracts and focus is with the US Military.

  • Chaserious

    It has been discussed in a number of prior threads. Type "Rand Cam" or "Reg Tech" into the search function and they will show up. Here are a couple:



  • Comatose

    Ah.... Well it seems like a huge deal to me. How did they weasel out of this one?

  • ABibleStudent

    Thanks for sharing Comatose. If the WTBTS did have some kind of investment prohibitions to investing in companies that do business with the DoD, it would seem to show the hypocrisy of the WTBTS and/or wealthy JW, who left it to the Watchtower, but it could just be ignorance on the part of the WTBTS.

    I doubt that many JWs would believe and would probably rationalize it away if the WTBTS was a major share owner of a company that sells engines to the DoD. According to Steve Hassan when he was a Moonie, his father told him that the Unification Church was an owner/majority shareholder in an M-16 factory in Korea. At the time Steve Hassan didn't believe his father because he was so brainwashed by the Unification Church that he did not even desire to disprove his father or verify what his father told him.

    Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,


  • Chaserious

    Ah.... Well it seems like a huge deal to me. How did they weasel out of this one?

    Evidently the short version of the supposed story is either that they were erroneously listed as a shareholder and it was corrected, or that the interest was left to them by someone without their prior knowledge.

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