Blood very common in breast milk

by trujw 8 Replies latest jw experiences

  • trujw

    My wife is pregnant and came across this little Jem on the Internet. So should elders start going around and testing mothers breast milk? And if found shouldn't we disfellowshipp the mother? Maybe if for some reason there is no formula shouldn't jdubs let their child die. I would love for this to be in a question from readers lol

  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer


    Watchtower knows all about this. It has published information about it. But Watchtower is careful to use language that does not inform JWs about blood cells transferred via the mammary organ.

    See: Blood — Transference? available at:

    Many readers of Watchtower have written asking about this whole thing. To date these questions are ignored.

    Marvin Shilmer

  • Listener

    Apparently, white blood cells are also present in cow's milk. JWs will not eat meat if they know it hasn't been bled properly but have no problem drinking milk.

  • Scully

    There's no point in testing breast milk for blood components because it's well established that one of benefits of breastfeeding is the transference of immune properties (immunoglobulins).

    A lot of people fail to logically compute how milk is produced. This is highly simplistic, but it conveys the process sufficiently for most new severely sleep deprived parents to understand.

    Nutrients in by mouth --> digested in stomach --> absorbed by intestines --> enter the bloodstream --> blood circulates to mammary glands + stimulation by prolactin and oxytocin from hypothalamus + demands of hungry infant ==> milk production.

    Leukocytes are present in all milk produced by mammals (humans and cattle included).

    The World Health Organization would have a field day if the WTS ever dared to tell JWs that they couldn't breast feed their babies, or give them milk of any kind. I mean, even the Bible says that " like newborn babies, long for the pure milk of the word, so that by it you may grow in respect to salvation" (1Pet 2:2 ASV).

    Besides, breast is best for the WTS, it means spending less money on formula and being able to put those savings in the Contribution Box™.

  • Gypsy Sam
    Gypsy Sam

    Fascinating. Thanks for the research Marvin Shilmer. What an excellent topic. I'll have to think of a way to incorporate this in conversation with JW's. it amazes me that anyone in the writing committee stays in the organization.

  • adamah

    Actually, it's the BABIES that are sinning by eating blood. The little pagans deserve to DIE!

    I've always thought that Jesus' simulated violation of the Noahic Covenant's restriction against eating blood with the flesh (Genesis 9:5) was ironic: it's the entire reason Jews don't eat blood, to this day, yet Jesus felt that the Last Supper warranted an exception to YHWH's "Everlasting" prohibition.


  • trujw

    Great article Marvin. How can the gb live with itself. Willfully kill babies and children to remain in power. It is things like this that motivate me to do all I can to expose this evil cult

  • yadda yadda 2
    yadda yadda 2

    You're strongly encouraged to breast feed your baby, the natural raw proteins and fats are so superior to the denatured stuff in baby formulas, and help prevent autism, etc.

  • TD
    So should elders start going around and testing mothers breast milk?

    This is not news to the JW leadership. And it's also true of many other mammals besides humans.

    JW headquarters at one point ran Watchtower Farms. As everyone who has ever been around dairy cattle knows, the milk has to be tested for somatic cell count. Somatic cells in milk are mostly neutrophils. (A type of white blood cell.)

    Current USDA standards for Grade A cow's mill allow an SCC of 600K/ml.

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