There is a Goodwill store in the town i live in , ive noticed that everytime i go in there there are always jdubs in there,is'nt it a bit hypocritical that members of a religion that not only is not charitable and in fact discourages charity,is more than willing to take advantage of the charity of nonmembers,ho they say are doomed to be destroyed.
by infernosdante 6 Replies latest jw friends
They gave all their money to the worldwide work to pay for lawsuits to protect the congregation Pediophiles, all over the world.
Now they are trying to save a few pennies. Hopefully, they will find some good Apostate books to read, to wake them up.
I would like to get more info about them discouraging charity.
crazyguy, google using search terms such as "ymca", "charity", "watchtower" and "jehovah's". Lots of info on this is available.
thanks rebel for relating that to crazyguy
I had witnesses brag that they routinely went to the "charitable stores" and purchased things cheaply and sold them on ebay for more money. Hypocritical?
The Sisters in the Congregation I grew up in used the code words "Sally Ann's Dress Shop" whenever they talked about the Goodwill.
Sister A: "Where'd you get your outfit ?"
Sister B: "I got it at Sally Ann's for $2.OO and I found Bob 2 suits that look like they were never worn"