One Dimensional Salvation

by Farkel 8 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Farkel

    When one removes the blinders, it comes as quite a shock to discover what a simple, one-dimensional religion Jehovah’s Witnesses really have. There is absolutely nothing “deep” about that religion and what it believes when one no longer looks at it through blinders.

    It boils down to this:

    1) The vast majority of people in the world are so evil, vile and wicked they deserve to be eradicated for eternity. God has done this before and he will do this again.

    2) The vast majority of the Bible is dedicated to predicting that there would be a modern-day group of people who would warn people of this pending slaughter.

    3) There are nice and practical life-lessons to be learned from Bible stories.

    That’s it! In a nutshell, that’s really ALL Jehovah’s Witnesses teach and believe!

    The third point is not the least-bit unique among Jehovah’s Witnesses, since virtually all Christian religions teach life-lessons from the Bible. Of course, there are also nice life lessons in the words of Confucious and Lao Tzu, too. Not to mention the collective works of Dr. Seuss and the collective episodes Sesame Street.

    So, there are really only TWO major pieces to the JW religion. Of course, there are smaller pieces, such as the CLASS or “lucky sperm” doctrine, which is a pretty strange belief. One’s eternal destiny is determined by WHEN the sperm did what sperm is supposed to do. If the sperm “took” before 1935, one gets to be part of a “king-priest class.” If not, too bad. Those of the “lucky sperm CLASS™” get a number of advantages over the regular JW schmucks:

    1) They get extra doses of “holy spirit” which ostensibly would make it easier for them to do the right things.

    2) They die and they not only get an instant reward of prince-hood in heaven, but they gain immortality to boot.

    3)They get a lot of perks while on earth that the regular schmucks don’t get, like prestige, respect and high esteem.

    4) In dubland, they are the most important CLASS™ ever to live.

    On the other hand, those of the “unlucky sperm CLASS™” who die have to sit around rotting in their graves for millennia and then get resurrected whereby they’ve got 1,000 years of hard work left to do and then they get tested again. They don’t get to marry, or have any children, even if they died unmarried and childless. Those of this same class who don’t die have to face the harshest test God has ever imposed in mankind’s history, then have 1,000 years of hard work to do, and then get tested again. And they don’t get immortality after all of that, either. In the meantime, the “lucky sperm CLASS” are sitting in heaven, eating caviar and playing harps and stuff without a care in the Universe. And they get to make up all the rules the “unlucky sperm CLASS” has to follow for eternity! (I shudder to think what kind of rules Joseph Franklin Rutherford and Freddie Franz will make up.)

    Does anyone but me find it the least-bit ironic that one’s entire and eternal destiny is based upon what can’t be anything other than an accident-of-birth?

    Now, we can further simplify those two major pieces of the JW doctrine into just one piece: 99.9% of the world is so wicked, they deserve to be slaughtered and that someones are going around warning everybody about it. Those two pieces can actually be coalesced into one piece, since they are so closely tied to each other.

    There IS a possibility that all of that is true though, and we need to discuss it. God is not one to be messed around with. Consider,

    1) God confounded the languages of the entire planet, and forced people to split up and find new friends who spoke those new languages. Their crime? They decided it would be a nice idea to build a high-rise office building.

    2) God nuked a guy on the spot. His crime? He tried to save the holy Ark of the Covenant from falling to the ground and breaking.

    3) God turned the wife of a faithful patriarch into a salt-lick. Her crime? Waving goodbye to the people in the city God was ALL turning into salt-licks, that’s what.

    4) A women’s husband was having the crap beat out of him by the town bully, so she comes to his defense by kicking the bad guy in the nuts, temporarily disabling him. Her punishment? Whacking off her arm.

    5) A bunch of testosterone-filled kids are teasing an old man who just happens to be a prophet. Their punishment? Becoming a nine-course meal for some bears. I’m sure that for those poor kids, that was NOT a very pleasant experience.

    6) A guy by the name of Judas commits a crime equivalent to burglarizing a 7-Eleven store. His punishment? Version one: he hangs himself. Version two: he disembowels himself. Version three: he hangs AND disembowels himself. This seems a bit strange, since the guy went out of his way and made sure one of Jehovah’s prophecies was actually fulfilled.

    But Jehovah can be playful and forgiving, too. Take Lot. He screws both his daughters and gets them pregnant. In a way, I can’t blame him. No one likes to screw salt-licks. Lot then gets praised in the book of Hebrews for being so righteous. He probably got away without having to pay any child support, too. Trivia question: under what circumstances can one have 4 children and 2 grandchildren with only 4 people total? How would you explain this to your average census-taker?

    Take David. He screws a guy’s wife and sends the poor guy to the front lines of battle, guaranteeing certain death. God kills David’s son, but lets him keep the dead guy’s wife for fun and games.

    Take Jacob. He had to wrestle an angel or he wouldn’t get God’s blessing. No wrestling, no blessing. Maybe he didn’t want to wrestle that angel, but he had to wrestle that angel, anyway. Then God gives him a lifetime of gimpy legs for doing what God required him to do to get God’s blessing in the first place. The Bible calls this “teaching humility.” I call it “entrapment.”

    God to Jacob: “You want my blessing? Then wrestle with this angel. When you’re done wrestling, I’m going to cripple you, though. With my blessings, of course.”

    Jacob to God: “What if I don’t wrestle with that angel.”

    God to Jacob: “I’ll kill you.”

    Jacob to God: “Ok, I’ll wrestle. You’re such a prankster, God.”

    So yeah, God does have a humorous aspect to his Godness, but he is also what some people would call “strict.” According to the one-dimensional religion of JWs, he’s soon going to murder about 6,000,000,000 men, woman, children and babies. What is their crime? Is it because:

    1) Humans have reduced poverty to its lowest level in human history?

    2) Humans have eradicated diseases and plagues that have decimated cultures for millennia?

    3) There is more freedom from tyranny on earth than ever before in human history?

    4) People live longer and are more healthy than ever before?

    5) Infant mortality rates are the lowest they’ve ever been?

    6) Famine is the lowest it has ever been and is near the brink of being eradicated?

    7) The standard of living on earth is at its highest level EVER?

    NO! It’s because those who’ve accomplished all these feats for the good and welfare of mankind are all WICKED and deserve eternal death!

    But why are they all wicked? Because they simply don’t believe the words of those .1% of their fellow men who are running around telling them the Good News of God’s Kingdom. What is that “Good News?” It’s that the listeners are WICKED and are about to be slaughtered for not listening to that Good News.

    “Good News” = you are about to die.

    “Why am I about to die?”

    “Because you won’t listen to the Good News.”

    “What’s that Good News, again?”

    “Those that listen to it won’t have to die.”

    “Listen to WHAT?”

    “Listen to the fact that you are about to die, dummy!”

    Ouch! I’m getting a big circular headache from trying to understand this one-dimensional religion. At least it’s only a one-dimensional headache.


  • NameWithheld

    LOL! Too funny Farkel ...

    PS. Thanks for the headache!!!

  • SYN

    A 1D *cough* religion *cough* invented by 1D minds. I wonder if you can go lower than one dimension? 0.5 dimensional perhaps? That would adequately describe most of the big boys in the WTBTS, methinks.

    Nice post, Farkel. Heck, anyone who believes in the Bible needs to analyze this stuff pretty carefully if you ask me. It just doesn't add up...

    Seven006: "Have you tried drugs? Shooting up a little heroin might do the trick, it's hard to type when your stoned out of your mind. I don't know how TR does it!"

  • Scully

    Great post Farkel

    On the life-enhancing messages of wisdom from the collective episodes of Sesame Street:

    "C" is for COOKIE!
    That's good enough for me!

    It's not easy being green...


    Hey mister, do ya wanna buy an "F"?
    It's only a nickel..

    Love, Scully

  • Faithful2Jah

    What's the difference between Farkle and Joseph Alward?

    Farkle has a sense of humor.

  • TMS

    Farkel, whose obviously been formulating these thoughts for years:

    But Jehovah can be playful and forgiving, too. Take Lot. He screws both his daughters and gets them pregnant. In a way, I can’t blame him. No one likes to screw salt-licks. Lot then gets praised in the book of Hebrews for being so righteous. He probably got away without having to pay any child support, too. Trivia question: under what circumstances can one have 4 children and 2 grandchildren with only 4 people total? How would you explain this to your average census-taker?

    Take David. He screws a guy’s wife and sends the poor guy to the front lines of battle, guaranteeing certain death. God kills David’s son, but lets him keep the dead guy’s wife for fun and games.

    These two accounts always tempered my judgement while serving on judicial committees. Jehovah was the same Jehovah who allowed these things, whether C.E. or B.C.E, right? Now, we're gonna ostracize a teen-ager for puffing on a cigarette?


  • Elsewhere

    Lot: Thats right Mr. Census Taker. I have four children and two grand children.

    Census Taker: Ok, so that’s a total of seven people in the house hold, unless the parents of your grand children are here too.

    Lot: No, there are only five, and all of the parents are here, except for my wife.

    CT: But you said that you have four children and two grand children. That’s four plus two plus yourself - seven. Then at least one more for the extra parent for the grand children – eight.

    Lot: Hahaha! Oh, I see where you are going wrong! You see, I am the parent of the grand children.

    CT: [A bit shocked] So your four children are adopted, making it OK for you to have children by them (though questionable).

    Lot: Oh No! All of my children are mine. My two daughters, and then two more children/grandchildren by my two daughters. [Big grin]

    [30 minutes later the police and child protective agency shows up]
    [Eight hours later the local news is doing a story on it]
    [24 hours later it is on CNN]
    [Eight weeks later they are all on the Jerry Springer Show]

    "As every one knows, there are mistakes in the Bible" - The Watchtower, April 15, 1928, p. 126
    Believe in yourself, not mythology.
    <x ><

  • CPiolo


    You’re quite right. The JW religion and their fundamentalist brethren are quite shallow and one-dimensional. I’ve often thought the song "Santa Claus is Coming to Town" very well describes their world view, only you must of course replace the pagan Santa Claus with Jehovah, and instead of no Christmas presents for the naughty, there is no paradise hope:

    Jehovah God is Coming to Town

    Oh! You better watch out,
    You better not cry,
    You better not pout,
    I'm telling you why:
    Jehovah God is coming to town!

    He's making a list,
    He's checking it twice,
    gonna find out who's worldly or nice.
    Jehovah God is coming to town!
    He sees you when you're sleeping,
    He knows if you read your Awake.
    He knows when you've been bad or good,
    So be a Witness for goodness sake!

    So...You better watch out, You better not cry
    You better not pout, I'm telling you why.
    Jehovah God is coming to town.
    We’re the chosen ones, you better get on board.
    Chucky-toot-toot and rummy Rutherford.
    Jehovah God is coming to town.

    Gods vicious wrath and an Armageddon stew,
    We’re the only ones saved, you’re all gonna die too.
    Jehovah God is coming to town.

    The Witnesses on Earth will have a jubilee.
    They're gonna build a Paradise
    That no worldly sinner will ever see.

    Oh...You better watch out, you better not cry.
    You better not pout, I'm telling you why.
    Jehovah God is coming to town

    On a more serious note, I recently finished a book by Joseph Campbell called "Thou Art That: Transforming Religious Metaphor" – a collection of his lectures. A good deal of the book is concerned mainly with mythos (or connotative) versus the literal (or denotative) of religious mythology and how many people get caught up in the literal, thus missing the meaning/connotative (the mistake most fundamentalists are trapped in). In his view, a literal understanding of scripture or myth is only the first step, that of a child, towards a full understanding of these stories. These myths, legends and stories were never intended, by those who created them, to be interpreted literally. To do so obscures their true meaning and is an insult to the texts. That is why is it so easy to tear apart most religious myth on a literal level and why literalists so often appear foolish and/or stupid.

    So religions like that of the Jehovah’s Witnesses are really very childish and simplistic. They’re religious infants. They haven’t gone past the literal to find the deeper meanings in these stories.

    Campbell also points out that most of our religious traditions are based upon stories created thousands of years ago in cultures that have little or nothing in common with the cultures of the present. Not only that, their knowledge was very limited (he used the ancient Jewish model of the universe as a sandwich – the firmament below, the firmament above, and above everything heaven). Your example of the Tower of Babel would be another example, as if we could construct something that reached heaven, wherever that may be. This is another reason it is so easy to tear apart literalist religion. Present day, these stories don’t speak to us in any significant way. So we either need to reinterpret them in a manner that relates to our current time and circumstances, or create new mythologies that do.


  • larc


    I was here earlier and came back later, which is the kind of thing I do, only to discover that your brilliant writing was already on page four, which I found very discouraging, so I decided post my comments forwith, which I am doing now, as you can tell, and I think anyone else can tell as well.

    Well, I was going to write my thoughts about Satan, and what an idiot he is/was, but after writing my first paragraph, I am too tired to continue, so I will be back forthwith and forever more and someday I will explain Satan to all you folks. Farkle, I think you have already done this, but this is not plagurism, because I will put my own Buckeye twist on the subject in question.

    Hi Ho Silver Awaaaaaaaaaaaaaay

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