"Do Clinical Trials Work?"

by metatron 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • metatron


    The above is an excellent summary of just how awful the situation is. It's very confusing and difficult to figure how to fix drug development.

    It's just an intuitive judgement on my part but I think this continuing failure may push science into exciting new areas that are not 'materialistic' in nature.


  • DesirousOfChange

    I think this continuing failure may push science into exciting new areas that are not 'materialistic' in nature.

    By "materialistic", if you mean "money making", you're kidding yourself. It's all about the dollar. Is there TOO MUCH money in the field of medicine? Depends. When YOU need the BEST doctor to treat you, the COST DOESN'T MATTER. But you can YOU afford him/her?


  • metatron

    Actually, I meant materialistic in the philosophical sense - thinking of humans mechanically, as just a bag of chemicals.

    OTOH, if things get worse. money may not buy the health desired - as these clinical trials fail.

    I think there are two choices emerging: either the problem is fraud and bad statistics or something nearly 'magical' is missing as a factor in restoring human health.


  • Satanus

    The way major changes occur, other than world wars, is generational die off. The new idea(s) are sown in the new generation at its inception, and then appears openly as it matures and the previous generation disappears. If metaphysical aspects are brought into western medicine, it won't be within the present generation.

    There is no lack of those types of medicine in the 'east'; acupunture, qigong, meditations, chinese meds based on heat and cold. Just a few examples. There is lots more.


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