WOW!! I thought JW's were uninformed about world events, but nooo.

by jam 8 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • jam

    Breaking Amish TV show. Two young Amish adults was

    ask, who was Martin L. King. The young lady stated " something

    to do with equal rights". The young man replied " he freed the slaves".

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    Living under a rock! At least jws try to keep up with local newspapers because the km tells them to use local news items in some of the presentations.

  • jam

    Julia: I agree "living under a rock" but that have to be

    a very big rock not to know what the hell is going on around

    you. How is that possible today?

  • Paralipomenon

    I watched the first episode of the show and something didn't seem right.

    A bit of research revealed that they weren't fresh plucked out of the Amish community, most of them had all be out for years and were just acting the part.

    While interesting, it kinda ruined it for me.

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    @ jam: I couldn't rightly say. Lack of interest?

  • jam

    Thanks Paralipomenon. It was hard for me to believe that

    there is a organization out there with a lower standard(then JW's) in

    preparing their youths for adulthood. LOL

  • InquiryMan

    I wonder might this be an American Jw phenomenon? Most JWs I knew did read newspapers daily, watched the news and were generally well informed, not less than people I know today... Also, when it comes to standard of living, the average witness is not that different from their fellow citizens... However, I do live in a country where the national average of preaching has been some 7 hours for decades and the number of pioners a tiny percentage...

  • Cold Steel
    Cold Steel

    Nope. Not a JW phenomenon at all. Jesse Waters, who works for Bill O'Reilly (Fox News), routinely interviews people in New York, Los Angeles, Oahu, and other major cities, and most people in these places are dumber than bricks. They don't know who the vice president is, they don't know about the IRS scandal, name it. And they let these idiots vote.

    I was speaking with a chaplain from Georgetown University earlier this week, and he said when he asks people on campus about why they voted for Obama, a hundred percent of them replied it was because of what they were getting from government. Not one, he said, mentioned ideology. Back in the 60s and early 70s, Americans who left the Communist Party, USA, said they were told to deny any affiliation with the party and to infiltrate schools, unions, civics organizations and other political parties. Their goals were to centralize power, divide the population, debauch the currency, redistribute the wealth and disarm the people. People back then knew how to recognize people who did these things; however, education has eliminated this knowledge. In short, our immune system was compromised. Now when we see people doing these things, we don't register anything. We've got a president who was born from parents who were communists, nurtured by communists, mentored by communists and backed by communists (as was Al Gore). Yet no one but radical right wing extremists are stupid enough to believe things might not be as we're told.

    So, no. It's not a JW thing at all.

  • losingit

    Cold Steel u have a pm.

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