Not Every Great Sacrifice Is Religious

by metatron 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • metatron

    Also, Snowden - who I believe history will look upon favorably. When you grow up as a Witness, it can be hard to imagine anyone sacrificing themselves for humanity.

    There is hope for the world, after all.


  • Scully

    I wouldn't be surprised if he ended up being assasinated.

  • zeb

    Dear M: You have touched me with your observation. Sacrifice myself for humanity? No. This one of the reasons i stopped witnessing a few years ago when i saw that an average Australian was a mentally lazy moron. They have but two interests; Men it is sport. Women it is soapies. Read the letters to the editor and they will frequently be about the banal. But then the media has as its purpose the feeding of floss to those who most seek it.

    I have sat within hearing in a restaurant hearing professional women as they disect some unfortunates divorce most publicly ever upstaging each other in increased volume and I am partly deaf until the 'ultimate' squallor is revealed heralded by the penultimate proof, "And do you know what I heard?"

    I have suffered feral children and their sniping bickering and jumping around including off the tables as I attempted a coffee in peace and I was the only one who told them to behave. Not staff, not other patrons. This "PC" this leaukemic thinking prevents this. The mother intent on her phone and stuffing her bowls of chips (fries) paid no heed until I spoke and then was heard to suck in a loud hissing breath. So she was noticing the little s*** and their absence of manners. This is not ignorance but her arrogance willfully displayed.

    This country has lost its thousands of men in Wars to protect the good, one virtue being freedom of speech. But women in Australia have trashed this as they willfully go into cabal to discuss, decide and judge someones perceived 'sin' error or statement, failing choose your term and will then shun or eviscerate the unfortunate male or female for a then collectively agreed wrong. When they get caught out the biggest apology is a bare aspirate, being "oh." In said divorce there was never a thread of decency or empathy uttered and is such a wretched experience lunch time fodder anyway ? Get to any social occasion and the subject will always fall to what is happening on "Neighbours" or "Home and Away" or football. On the news today a scientist in Sydney revealed out of a survey that 30% of Australians didnt know how long it takes for the world to go round the sun but it can be assured that the same ones will know who was last having sex on the above soapies. Ask any school teacher and they will agree the youth life training that takes place on the screens is then acted out in the lives of the students.

    This same humanity will use every slutty trick to fend others from their workplace to keep their jobs. Is this to feed hungry kids at home? No. Hunger is not a consideration as they have partners frequently on good incomes who most adequatley provide. No the job the career the money is for the next Bali holiday, update to 3 year old car or buy the next load of electronic bling for their amusement. How do these get jobs in the first place? By using professional agencies to prepare their job applications and word them through the "essential Criteria" that is to bullshit them through. But this is a subject of its own.

    When the big crash hit the world a few years back the Prime Minister Kevin Rudd here announced a 'stimulus package'. This saw almost every Australian paid apx $800 to spend (this was out of the nations savings if you like) to kick the economy along. I put mine into preemptive servicing on my car and cleared my cc debt. In a local mall there was seen a convoy of people leaving with the latest bling while many had huge credit debts. And 'credit' to Mr Rudd and his governments handling of the crisis that the big crash that still has America floundering lasted here about two weeks. The Opposition admitted later they didnt know what to do. People in the highest income brackets complained that they didnt get the payment. It was a rare piece of journalism that revealed the one complainant was a corporate director who paid less tax than many ordinary workers.

    It is no wonder the few souls who are crying get caught in the wt net and will trade their freewill for that form of safety but in the main no I would not give my life up for this humanity. I do spontaneous acts of kindness I avoid most tv and i love to hear laughter and will act the clown to that end. To brings a smile to faces is a great personal joy.

    There is no decency or humility but an abrogate abandonment of responsibility whether corporate nor personal and small "s" spirituality is a rare and beautiful thing held by a very few and I am talking to them now.

    My love to you all.

  • Satanus

    Every so often, by some fluke, there is someone like assange and snowden that just happens to be in the right place at the opportune time and who has the guts to do something that creates a small ripple on the sea of humanity.

    For the rest of us random acts of kindness are the way to go. Lift the spirits of those around you. Its about all you can do. The average herd member is pretty much on autopilot.


  • prologos

    "Sacrifices have to be brought and offered" said by Otto Lilienthal, dying after a crash, following over 2000 documentted and photographed test flights, late 18 hunderts, early 19 00ds.

  • zeb

    satanus and Prologus you have pm. my thanks.


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